5 Tips To Get More Reviews For Your Electrical Marketing.

In the modern age of marketing, word of mouth alone won't cut it.

Local electricians need online reviews to bolster reputation and gain visibility.


With trusted reviews, potential clients can make quicker hiring decisions.

No longer left uneasy about skills, quality or professionalism, testimonials provide reassurance that you get the job done safely and properly.

But actively chasing customer feedback requires some serious strategy.

Asking ANYONE and EVERYONE loosely linked to your sparky services to dish hollow praise on social won't convince savvy prospects.

Oh no.

We need meaningful endorsements specifically from genuine past or present clients.

This guide will help you conscientious electricians generate more authentic, prompt reviews through doing it the right way.

Without spammy tactics or desperately begging distant contacts for kudos.

You don’t need that in your life.

Let's positively charge up your personal and professional online authority the smart way...

Why Online Reviews Matter For Your Electrical Contractor Marketing.

Prospects searching Google for either urgent residential electrical issues or high-value commercial work have options.

A lot of options. 😐

In this digital age, multiple electrical contractors are competing for attention in every locality.

You’re likely not the only qualified, skilled sparky game in ‘the village’.

So how do people choose which electrician deserves to win their business and be entrusted with large-scale jobs or emergency repairs over other competing options?

Visible client reviews reduce hire risk and build confidence in abilities upfront.

Before you ever shake hands on site.

They lend credibility that you can actually deliver based on merit from those who've experienced your electrical services first-hand.

Unlike word-of-mouth referrals, which fade into the ether never to be seen again, or one-time radio ads listeners instantly forget, written testimonials remain permanently visible over extended periods.

On your website and social media platforms.

They tell us you’re capable 24/7 whenever prospects run search comparisons across different electricians.

The biggest plus about reviews for your electrical business?

Let happy customers continually make your case rather than you having to self-promote all day long.

Thank goodness someone else can say it, ay.

Reviews allow more time and freedom to focus on your true passion - assessing issues, fixing wiring problems, installing electrical systems or updating components for enhanced functionality, safety and aesthetics.

With enough reviews shouting loud and proud across platforms like Google, Facebook and LinkedIn for electrical contractor marketing, new potential leads come to you pre-qualified and ready to hire your services over lesser reviewed competitors or faceless ghost firms.


Your electrical business appear as a trusted expert worth reaching out to rather than an off the cuff dice roll.


Let’s crack open 5 high-voltage tips to efficiently earning more authentic customer reviews as an electrical contractor without resorting to shady tactics...

1. Ask clients directly to write a review for your electrical marketing.

The most straightforward approach to generating reviews for your electrical contractor marketing is simply asking happy clients once you wrap up their job.

Don't just vaguely HOPE people will randomly take a few minutes to glowingly review your sparky services out of pure goodwill.

Clients have busy lives and life gets in the way for them too.

Actively ASK them to write your electrical business a review while customer delight remains hot and fresh.

Upon completing electrical work for a homeowner, business or construction firm where you feel the working dynamic was pretty good going, say something like:

‘We really appreciate any online reviews customers might be willing to leave regarding experiences with our service. This genuine feedback helps our small electrical business stand out and grow!’

Showing gratitude upfront can go a long way in nabbing that money-making review for your electrical marketing.

Then, follow up within a week with an email.

“If you were pleased with our recent [residential rewiring], would you mind taking just a minute or two to leave an honest review about our work on Google? Please click here for the direct link to make it as quick and easy for you as possible...”

Here you remove barriers by including handy web addresses directing them right to the review space.


Most people are happy to support small business growth through reviews when asked politely straight up.

Just remain gracious whether individual customers ultimately opt to submit helpful feedback or don’t provide it for whatever reason.

⭐️ Pro Tip: When requesting reviews, personalise your emails using client names and project specifics rather than blasting groups with mass generic copy-pastes.

People oblige much quicker when singled out and feel you are talking directly to them.

2. Backtrack Former Projects and ask for reviews from past clients for your electrical contractor marketing.

What about all the delighted clients from your past excellence you forgot to ask for reviews when wrapping up their electrical jobs?

Sinking feeling about lost opportunities?

No need.

You can still backtrack old records and invoices and directly reach out to former electrical customers highlighting how much you valued working with them:

‘Hi [Name]

As part of an ongoing effort to gather reviews from our favourite electrical jobs we’ve collaborated with over the years, your [whole home rewiring project from last year] still stands out as an especially enjoyable experience for our team. If you remain pleased with the electrical system upgrades implemented and overall service provided, would you be willing to leave us a review? It would be so helpful for prospective clients to see!’

Mention specific upgrade project details like “your basement wiring overhaul and Underfloor heating system installation” to trigger customer memories rather than just sending generic impersonal blanket copy-pastes completely devoid of bespoke details.

As before, include direct links to the review space so less taps and scrolling for mobile convenience, especially.

More often than not, customers highly satisfied with past electrical work will be delighted to leave you a review.

Even long after the job has been completed.

Let the spotlight shine their way.

⭐️ Pro Tip: When backtracking previous happy clients for reviews, use specific personalised project details in refreshers to trigger their memory – no mass copy/paste jobs. 👊🏽

3. Think Beyond End Clients for reviews for your electrical contractor marketing.

For every DIRECT client of your electrical services projects, have a think about INDIRECT clients connected to that same job.

Who else did you have dealings with?

A partner of the client, a different member of a team in the office?

Did your electrical crew conduct wiring work on a large commercial corporate office?

Well just because you worked with the facilities manager who hired you, also consider politely reaching out to others in the company who may have been decision-makers or that you had to report back to:

 - The Office Manager overseeing most desk staff

- IT Personnel managing tech infrastructure

- Construction Foreman coordinating all onsite trades crews

Maybe you won a competitive tender bid to handle comprehensive electrical overhauls and security lighting installation for an elite private residence.

Go you!

Rather than limiting your reviews to that project to just the home owner alone, think about others you may have worked with on site and had dealings with: 

 - Lead Interior Designer co-ordinating aesthetics

- Lead Architect curating structural elements

- Estate Agent managing future high-profile viewings

Getting credible additional reviews from multiple professional figures connected to your initial contact encourages trust from others all along that referral pipeline.

And boy do we love referrals.

One visible endorsement from a property/construction influencer often sparks (no pun intended) interest from others like them.

⭐️ Pro Tip: When asking business contacts and those you meet/work with on site for reviews, consider offering to do the same for them in return (but only if the review has been legitimately earned).

4. Repurpose Existing Testimonials from networking meetings for your electrical marketing. 


I know you aren’t always ruthlessly hunting online reviews and begging every person you meet to gush praise publicly.

You've got kitchen circuits to rewire and distribution boards to install rather than worrying yourself about becoming blue-tick social media approved. 👷🏽‍♂️

But I'll let you in on a little secret.

You ALREADY have delighted customers banging on about your ace electrical skills beyond just word of mouth down the pub.

Think back.

Those random networking dos with free biscuits and less than mediocre coffee.

Haven't you received a fair few testimonials between pitches from Osman the Letting Agent  and Craig the Carpenter?


It's time to get those testimonials you received at networking meetings into writing and online so you can share the love far and wide for your electrical marketing. 🥰

Dip back into those video testimonials from regional networking events that vanish into thin air.

Get them repurposed pronto.

Essentially, any well-deserved praise for your sparky business hidden away off the record needs digging up and published on the web asap.

And all those (maybe years of) networking meetings and testimonials is a great place to start.

5. Get fellow Trade Contractor Kudos to up reviews for your electrical contractor marketing.

Consider this.

What if by just acknowledging other trustworthy Trades in your area, you could give each other’s reputation a wee credibility boost?

Well that sounds nice, tell me more.

I’m thinking fellow Trades and suppliers you've forged solid relationships with over your years, immersed elbow deep in wiring guts.

Surely you’ve swapped war stories over dodgy ring mains and blown fuse boards with local legends who know their onions? 🤝


Take a minute to show some public appreciation.

Hit up past project partners to exchange glowing reviews singing one another’s praises across those dire social channels.

And fulfilled suppliers and Trades always love returning the favour to reward reliability - cars may break down but reviews stick around forever.

Just make sure to only shack up review-wise with fellow Trades walking the straight and narrow reputation path.

Just like you.
No dodgy reviews exchanges with questionable Trades! 🚫

The more integrity-aligning links formed, the higher your electrical credibility rises! 🤝

⬇️   5 Tips To Get More Reviews For Your Electrical Contractor Marketing Rundown:

1.        Ask current clients for reviews for your electrical marketing.
2.        Backtrack and ask past clients you forgot to ask.
3.        Ask clients beyond the main point of contact.
4.        Repurpose networking testimonials.
5.        Ask your fellow Trades to leave you a review.

🛠   Need a little more help nailing your Electricial Contractor Marketing?

Course you do.

First. Let’s work out where you are with all things Marketing.

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Take our Trades Quiz to discover how you score with all things ‘Off The Tools’.

We have heaps of tips, tricks, and hacks for your Electrical business in our cheat sheets, videos and ideas waiting for you on the other side… i.e., your results page.

So, you can improve your score.

And NAIL your electrical business.



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