Simplest Marketing Trick for Plumbers to Outshine your Competition.

In the bustling world of plumbing, where every street corner seems to boast another wrench-wielding expert, the age-old question lingers.

"How on earth do I make my plumbing business stand out?"

Picture this. 📸

Countless plumbers.

Each vying for attention with promises of leak-free taps and swift pipe fixes.

Yet, amidst this sea of copper pipes and PVC joints, there lies a golden opportunity.

It's not just about the job done; it's about the little things.

The details that make a homeowner say, "Wow, I'll call them again."

Think about it.

The plumber who slips on shoe covers, sparing your floors from muddy footprints. 🥾

Or the decorator who leaves your office spotless, ready for business as usual. 🧹

These are the stories that resonate.

The gestures that set one plumber apart from the rest.

It's not just about fixing leaks.

It's about showing gratitude, expressing appreciation for the opportunity to serve.

So, dear plumber.

Here's a simple yet powerful idea…

Say "Thank You."

It may sound small.

But in a world where manners often take a backseat, a genuine expression of gratitude can work wonders.

After all, good manners never go out of style.

And in the realm of plumbing, they just might be the secret sauce to standing out.

💦  Here’s a few ideas to ‘wet’ your THANK YOU GIVING appetite. (See what we did there?)...

Give Branded Thank You Cards to every client as part of your plumber marketing.

Ah, the plight of the plumbing prodigy.

Lost in a sea of pipe dreams, with competitors lurking at every turn.

But fear not.

Here’s your secret weapon.

The almighty Thank You Card.

"But why bother?" you ask, sceptically eyeing your overflowing client database.


Allow me to illuminate the path to plumbing glory.

A bespoke, branded card arriving in your client's post box or left on their kitchen counter -  a token of appreciation for their business of course.

It's more than just a piece of card.

It's your ticket to plumbing prominence.

Here's why:

While your plumbing rivals are stuck in the mundane, you'll be soaring with your thoughtful touch.

Show your plumbing clients some love, and watch your brand reputation skyrocket to new heights.

Long after the pipes are fixed, your card will linger, a silent testament to your stellar service.

Imagine your plumber logo gracing mantels and desks—talk about free advertising!

Your clients will be itching to show off your card, sparking chatter about your plumbing prowess.


Drive clients to your digital doorstep with a strategically placed URL or social media handles.

Without resorting to sleazy tactics, politely nudge your plumbing clients towards those coveted five-star reviews.


Before you dismiss this as mere fluff, let's delve deeper into the art of card creation, shall we?

Let’s talk about why the branding of your plumbers thank you card design is so important.

No more cookie-cutter cards from the corner shop.

These won't cut it in the competitive world of plumbing.

You need a card that screams "YOU," crafted by a designer who gets your vibe (hint: we've got your back).

Consider it an investment in your brand.

Sure, it'll cost a bit upfront, but the dividends it pays are well worth it.

➡️ Practical Pointers: Mastering Your Thank You Card Game.

Bulk printing is your friend.

Save time and money with a single print run.

And as for delivery?

Ditch the postage stamps. 👊🏽

You've got vans aplenty.

Hand-deliver those cards on site or leave them in a spot where your clients can't miss them.

➡️ Personal Touches: Going Above and Beyond (Without breaking a sweat).

Sure, a generic message will suffice, but why settle for mediocrity?

Throw in a personal note, tailored to each client's quirks and preferences.

Trust me, it's the little things that count.

Like mentioning their beloved pooch by name. 🐶

In summary, plumbing prowess isn't just about fixing leaks.

It's about forging connections and leaving a lasting impression.

So, embrace the power of the Thank You Card as part of your plumber marketing and witness your business soar to new heights.


‘But we service tonnes of clients!’ – I hear you say (cry).

Or, ‘this is going to cost a fortune!’

Hold tight.

This is much more doable than you think and will cost a whole lot less than you are imagining.

First up, let’s start with the why.

What does it matter if I send a branded Thank You Card (effectively a piece of paper) to a client after I’ve finished a job or not?

Well. Let me give you 7 reason as to EXACTLY why you should:

✅ Hardly any other Trades are doing it – means you stand out from your competitors in an instant. Ching ching ching!

✅ Shows gratitude and that you do not take your customers for granted. How greatly does that reflect your brand?

✅ Leaves a great ‘after taste’ when you’re long gone – reputation… winning!

✅ Creates brand awareness – who will visit their house/office and see that branded bad boy on the mantlepiece or office desk/noticeboard.

✅ Creates conversation starter around your Trades business - who will they show it to.

✅ Drives clients and customers to your website and social media platforms which can help get that all important traffic up. 🚥

✅ Can help encourage clients to leave you a shit hot review without you going about it in a sleazy way.

All this from a piece of card.

Pretty awesome piece of card, right?

I’m guessing now I have your full attention.

And now that I do, let’s talk about the specifics to make sure you get this right for your Trades business.

Let’s Talk about why the Design and Brand of Your Thank You Card is important.

No popping into Clinton Cards when you’re due a card to be sent to a client. Oh no.

That would be a wasted opportunity for your business.

I’m talking a fully branded, custom designed card created specifically for your Trades Business.

This comes back down to answering that age old question… ‘How do I stand out from my competitors?”

Bag yourself an epic designer who understands your industry inside out (subtle hint: we’re here if you need us) and get yourself a branded card designed, unique to you.

If you think about it, you only ever need get it designed once.

This could last the next 5, 10 or even 20 years of your business (though I’m sure you’ll get the bug and fancy the occasional refresh) – so it really is an investment.

💡 #TIP - Your designer should be able to manage all this for you, but if you print in bigger batches – say 250 a time - you will save a lot more money than if you just get 50 or so printed as and when you need them.

Also, think about all that extra time you’ll save getting on the phone and paying invoices to order the print on the regular. Time is money. 💰

‘So what about delivery costs?’ I hear you say. ‘I work with a lot of clients. The cost of stamps alone is giving me the willies!’

Well this is the best bit.

No delivery costs are required for your Thank You Cards!

Well. You are more than welcome to put each card into a stamped addressed envelope and make your way to the post box for an individual card, but that’s not what I had in mind.

You or your guys are on site anyway, right?

And as a Trade, you’re going to have a vehicle or two on the road?

Even if you don’t, you can pass a pile to each team member to keep safe (and clean!) in a separate part of their kit.

So when the job is all wrapped up, give the card then and there!

🤚🏾  You could hand it directly to the client before you leave. All those trips back and forth to the van – there will have been 30 seconds you can nip out to do the card.

📮  You could pop it through the letterbox after you’ve tided up and filled up the van before you drive off so they find it later.

💌  Or if your client isn’t present when you’ve finished, you could leave the card in a prominent place (provided the site is not a working-site where it is bound to get knocked or ruined by other Trades or work).

E.g. on the kitchen counter against a vase, first thing they see in the hallway or in the client’s main office.

There is no reason whatsoever why this cannot be done for every single customer.

Even if you are domestic Trade, with a high turn over of clients per week or even per day, can you spare 30 seconds to do a small task that will have a HUGE impact on your brand and help build your business?

I think you can.

Make it part of your process. Make it part of your team’s process.

And because you’ve had your Thank You card professionally designed by a shit hot design company like us, they will have ALSO designed the inside of your branded Thank You Card.

Meaning you do not have to worry about writing War and Peace in there.

A generic Thank You message will be written inside, leaving room for your Trades to write the client’s name up top and personally sign it off at the bottom.

Though if you want extra magic, encourage your team to leave a personal message on the inside cover e.g. ‘Hope Archie enjoys his new kitchen!’… the customer’s beloved dog.

If you can make it personal, do it. In fact, I insist.

But a branded Thank You card with generic Thank You message inside will help solve any mind-blocks, should they rear their little heads, on a super busy day.

Quick rundown. ⬇️

✅ First off. Get yourself some fancy-pants thank you cards for your plumber marketing. And no, scribbling your thanks on a napkin won't cut it. Go pro or go home.

✅ Print in bulk. We know you're all about efficiency. So print a bunch at once to keep those costs down. Your friendly neighbourhood pro can assist with this bit too.

✅ Distribute those bad boys like confetti. Keep a stack in each van or with every team member, because you never know when you'll need to whip one out.

✅ Now, here's the kicker: Write a personalized message on-site before you leave. None of that generic nonsense. Clients appreciate the personal touch.

✅ Delivery options. Hand it over in person, slip your branded thank you card through the letterbox, or strategically place it where it can't be missed. You're not just a plumber. You're a master of surprises. 🎉

And for the cherry on top. 🍒

🍪 EXTRA CREDIT: Use coloured envelopes that match your plumber branding. Because nothing says "professional plumber" like coordinated stationery, am I right?

Now, onto the serious stuff.

We get it, you're juggling a gazillion tasks in your plumbing business.

But hey.

Your reputation is on the line, and that's not something to mess with.

Taking a minute to show some gratitude goes a long way.

No more excuses, folks.

Even if you're fixing leaks left, right, and centre.

There's always time for a little thank you.

And let's address the elephant in the room.

What about those big-money clients?

The ones who trust you with their lavish bathroom renovations and intricate pipe work?

Well, hold onto your wrenches.

Because we've got something special brewing for them...

Give Client Thank You Gifts for Larger Sized Projects as part of your plumber marketing.

Who said plumbing can't have a touch of class?

Now, we've drilled into the power of the thank you card.

Hopefully, by now, you're nodding along like a seasoned pro.

But guess what?

We can take it up a notch. 😯

Especially when dealing with our diverse clientele.

Thank you cards are the bread and butter of appreciation.

Fast, easy, and wallet-friendly.

They're like the wrench in your toolkit.

Suitable for every job. 🔧

But what about those hefty price tags or mammoth-sized plumbing projects?

That's where thoughtful gifts come into play. 🎁

Let's take a peek at how some of our plumber pals have upped their gratitude game:

🚽 Our Drainage Dynamo, let's call him Pete, was all about those sweet treats.

Every Friday, after tackling those drain dilemmas, he'd present his clients with a branded box of cupcakes.

Now, Pete's jobs ranged from a simple unclog to full-on plumbing makeovers, but these cupcakes only set him back about £20.

And boy, did his clients eat them up.


Pete became known as the Cupcake King of Plumbing.

With folks sharing pics of his sugary delights all over social media.

It was like free advertising on a silver platter.

👷🏽‍♂️ Then there's our Pipe Dreamer, let's call him Jim.

Jim specialized in top-notch kitchen renovations.

So, when he finished up a project, he didn't just hand over a thank you card.

He commissioned a bespoke cake to match the swanky new kitchen design.

Sure, these custom cakes could set him back over a hundred pounds, but for Jim, it was all about that wow factor.

And let me tell you, when the client snaps a selfie with a cake that matches their marble countertops and posts it on Instagram—boom, instant marketing gold. 💥

Now, why does all this matter?

Because your clients aren't just paying for your plumbing powers.

They're investing in an experience.

And a thoughtful thank you gift is the cherry on top of that experience.

So, what's in your plumber's toolkit of appreciation?

Maybe it's a local wine hamper for the wine aficionados or a bouquet of flowers for the new homeowners.

Get creative!

The world is your clogged drain waiting to be unclogged with gratitude.

The bottom line?

Say thank you, but do it with flair.

Make it a signature part of your plumbing brand.

Because in the world of plumbing, a little appreciation goes a long way.


1.         Give Thank You Cards to every plumbing client.
2.         Give client Thank You Gifts for larger sized plumbing projects.

Need a little more help nailing your Plumbers marketing?

Course you do.

First. Let’s work out where you are with all things Plumbers Marketing.
Got 3 minutes?

Take our Trades Quiz to discover how you score with all things ‘Off The Tools’.

We have heaps of tips, tricks, and hacks for your plumbing business in our cheat sheets, videos and ideas waiting for you on the other side… i.e., your results page.

So, you can improve your score.

And NAIL your plumbers marketing.



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