An Honest Review Of BNI For Your Trade And Construction Marketing.
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An Honest Review Of BNI For Your Trade And Construction Marketing.

Networking is a HUGE part of your Trade and Construction brand and marketing. Where you spend your time, who you associate with, how you present yourself. You are out there as an individual representing your business. And HOW, WHERE, WHY and WHAT you do reflects the business we can expect to experience behind the person. Personal branding comes hugely into play when networking. A story for another time. Done well, networking can help skyrocket your Trade and Construction brand and marketing. Done badly, it can bring your business crashing down through the ceiling. Before we begin. I am in no way, shape, or form on any kind of commission or sales team for BNI. This blog – like all others - is being written from a stance of regular conversations and questions that pop up between myself and my Trade and Construction clients. So worth me writing me about. And as BNI (Business Network International) is the biggest networking organisation in the WORLD, it’s no wonder I get lots of questions about it. I was a member for 10 years before my business (and life) changed and I decided to step down. Who knows if I’ll be back in the future. I’ve seen it all – the good, the bad and the ugly. Hopefully you’ll my insights helpful. It’s written by somebody who benefitted hugely from it, took on every role possible (even running my own group) but who also had my own views on things that could have been done differently. Which positions me perfectly on the fence to see both sides and give you an unbiased review from how I saw the membership experience benefit or hinder the progress of my Trade and Construction clients – for over a decade. Let’s drill down.

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Why Steve Nailed His Brand With This Flooring Tip for his Construction Video Marketing.
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Why Steve Nailed His Brand With This Flooring Tip for his Construction Video Marketing.

You need to consider tip videos as part of your Trade and Construction marketing. It’s one of the most powerful ways to build your brand. Construction tip videos positions you as the expert for your Trade. You can film them yourself (no film crew required). Super-efficient if the job you’re working on entails this tip anyway. Perfect for short, consistent social media content. We get to know, like and trust you and your team. Take a leaf out of Steve’s book. Watch his Construction Tip Video for his flooring business and follow suit. Despite our client Steve making this video look seamless (I couldn’t resist the pun) there’s a lot that Steve is doing that makes this blockbuster so epic. Let’s break it down, so you too can start making game-changing tip videos for your Trade and Construction marketing too…

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Challenge: Go Live For 7 Days With These Ideas To Build Your Trade and Construction Marketing.
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Challenge: Go Live For 7 Days With These Ideas To Build Your Trade and Construction Marketing.

Here’s exactly why you need to consider social media Lives for your Trade and Construction brand and marketing. For those Trade and Construction owners who may not know what a ‘Live’ is – it’s a video tool on many of the social media platforms where instead of recording a video and then uploading to your page, you can stream a video in real time to your audience so they can see exactly what you’re up to right now and interact – think of it as your own Live TV. We get to know what services you offer in your Trade and Construction business. See the people behind your Trade and Construction business. Familiarise ourselves with faces and voices. There are opportunities for exposure to your brand – think branded workwear, branded vehicles etc. And begin the KNOW-LIKE-TRUST factor before we’ve even enquired. I’ve designed you a 7-day challenge. A different idea for everyday of the week. The power in going Live (like anything social media related) is about consistency. Let’s drill down into those ideas…

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Win More Customers With The Help Of Your Fellow Trade And Construction Buddies.

Win More Customers With The Help Of Your Fellow Trade And Construction Buddies.

If many hands make light work, how does this apply to building your Trade and Construction marketing? There is a lot you can do as a small group of focused, dedicated, local Trades that club together and want to help build each other’s Trade and Construction businesses. That isn’t a huge commitment. At little or even no cost at all. I’m going to share with you some simple ideas on how to win more customers for your Trade and Construction business with the help of your fellow Trades. But before I go into these epic game-changers I have a few warnings for you that will help you out…

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Honesty Hour: How You’re Screwing Up Facebook Groups For Your Trade And Construction Marketing.
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Honesty Hour: How You’re Screwing Up Facebook Groups For Your Trade And Construction Marketing.

Done right and done well, the right Facebook Groups can be a GAME CHANGER for your T&C marketing. I’m going to give it to you straight. There’s a high chance that you are making some serious mistakes when it comes to using Facebook Groups as part of your T&C marketing. And I don’t blame you. It’s another Facebook page, right? Somewhere for you to promote your business offers, right? Where just by joining you can tick off the list of ‘things I’ve done for my T&C marketing,’ right? And expect the enquiries to just come rolling in, right? Wrong. Facebook Groups are a TOTALLY different kettle of fish to what you think. And day-in day-out, we see tonnes of branding mistakes going on by Trade and Construction companies in these Groups. But I’ve also watched Facebook Groups help take one of my Trade clients from a one-man band to an 18 strong team. So, let’s start by kicking all the mistakes you might be making in there to the curb…

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