3 Things You Need To Start Doing In Facebook Groups For Your Trade & Construction Business.
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3 Things You Need To Start Doing In Facebook Groups For Your Trade & Construction Business.

Trade and Construction companies are using Facebook Groups all wrong in their Brand and Marketing. These are community spaces where people go to support and help each other. This is not a place for a sales pitch. But this doesn’t mean it’s not a place for business. Quite the opposite in fact. But for Trade and Construction businesses to use these ready-made audiences as part of their marketing strategy, they need to become part of the community themselves. So, what does this mean we need to start doing? Exactly that. Helping and supporting the community within the Facebook Group. How? By engaging and interacting with the members through comments, posting educational content and showing the humans behind the Trade and Construction business so that we can start building the know, like trust factor in one of the most powerful places possible.

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How Trevor Started Fixing His Marketing For His Decorating Business.
TRADE SPOTLIGHT Georgia Stylianou TRADE SPOTLIGHT Georgia Stylianou

How Trevor Started Fixing His Marketing For His Decorating Business.

I think like most Trades feel, there just doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day and you need to have a thousand hats on. It’s hectic. It's a good feeling when you've got loads of work, but it can very soon get out of control. And then there’s the marketing side. When I started my decorating business, you didn't have to do as much on your brand and marketing. But now it's really important to keep your marketing for your Trades business up to date. Everything I got from Marshmallow was really simple to understand. If you know Marshmallow, they are a lot like Trades people. They're quite direct, straight talking and they don't mess around. It was like having your own marketing department as part of your Trades business.

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Networking 101: Beginners guide to Networking for Trades AND CONSTRUCTION.
OFFLINE Georgia Stylianou OFFLINE Georgia Stylianou

Networking 101: Beginners guide to Networking for Trades AND CONSTRUCTION.

You’ve been invited to your first ever networking meeting as a Trade. And you’ve agreed to go. But it’s the night before. And now you’re bricking it. No idea what to do. What to say. What to wear. What to bring. Standing in a room full of suits? Public speaking? What have I let myself in for, I hear you say? But don’t panic. We have a list of dos and don’ts for the networking Trade newbie to make your first time breezier than Gary Lineker’s presenting style.

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