The Ultimate Showdown Between Websites and Social Media for Gardening Businesses.
ONLINE Georgia Stylianou ONLINE Georgia Stylianou

The Ultimate Showdown Between Websites and Social Media for Gardening Businesses.

Are you feeling a bit overwhelmed by the digital landscape? Wondering whether your gardening business should be focusing your marketing efforts on a website, social media, or both? Well, grab your gardening gloves and get ready to dig in – because we're about to explore the pros and cons of each in the ultimate showdown for gardening businesses. "But I just want to focus on growing beautiful gardens – not getting bogged down in the weeds of digital marketing!" And I hear you. But here's the thing: in today's world, nailing your gardening online marketing is just as important as having the right tools and techniques for your trade. Think of it this way: your website and social media pages are like virtual gardens. They need to be carefully cultivated, tended to regularly, and designed to attract the right kind of visitors (i.e., your ideal customers). And just like with gardening, there's no one-size-fits-all approach – the best strategy will depend on your unique goals, resources, and target audience. We'll explore everything from the cost and time commitment of each option to the potential for attracting visitors, building trust through reviews, and keeping your online presence secure. Whether you're just starting to dip your toes into the digital world or you're looking to take your online presence to the next level, this post has something for you.

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3 Things You Need To Start Doing In Facebook Groups For Your Trade & Construction Business.
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3 Things You Need To Start Doing In Facebook Groups For Your Trade & Construction Business.

Trade and Construction companies are using Facebook Groups all wrong in their Brand and Marketing. These are community spaces where people go to support and help each other. This is not a place for a sales pitch. But this doesn’t mean it’s not a place for business. Quite the opposite in fact. But for Trade and Construction businesses to use these ready-made audiences as part of their marketing strategy, they need to become part of the community themselves. So, what does this mean we need to start doing? Exactly that. Helping and supporting the community within the Facebook Group. How? By engaging and interacting with the members through comments, posting educational content and showing the humans behind the Trade and Construction business so that we can start building the know, like trust factor in one of the most powerful places possible.

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