How Trevor Started Fixing His Marketing For His Decorating Business.
TRADE SPOTLIGHT Georgia Stylianou TRADE SPOTLIGHT Georgia Stylianou

How Trevor Started Fixing His Marketing For His Decorating Business.

I think like most Trades feel, there just doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day and you need to have a thousand hats on. It’s hectic. It's a good feeling when you've got loads of work, but it can very soon get out of control. And then there’s the marketing side. When I started my decorating business, you didn't have to do as much on your brand and marketing. But now it's really important to keep your marketing for your Trades business up to date. Everything I got from Marshmallow was really simple to understand. If you know Marshmallow, they are a lot like Trades people. They're quite direct, straight talking and they don't mess around. It was like having your own marketing department as part of your Trades business.

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5 Tips For Getting More Reviews For Your Trade and construction Business.
REVIEWS Georgia Stylianou REVIEWS Georgia Stylianou

5 Tips For Getting More Reviews For Your Trade and construction Business.

‘I don’t worry about reviews. I rely on word of mouth for my Trades business.’ Tell me how often you’ve said or heard this one. A lot, I’m going to guess Is the answer. Ok, let me tell it to you straight. Word of mouth is great. But if you really want to build your Trade business and are serious about scaling it and taking it the next level - more vans on the road, a bigger team, higher turn over - in this day and age, you cannot rely on word of mouth alone. Because word of mouth relies on individuals. And you have no control over that. In order to build your Trades brand and reputation, online reviews are your new best friend. So now we need to know how to bag them…

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How to Brand your Trade and construction Facebook Page in 5 Easy Steps.
ONLINE Georgia Stylianou ONLINE Georgia Stylianou

How to Brand your Trade and construction Facebook Page in 5 Easy Steps.

Whether you’re thinking about setting up your first ever Facebook page for your Trades business or you already have a page you’ve been using for years. Trades waste so much time and energy ‘doing their Facebook’ and never reap the rewards they deserve because they haven’t got the brand basics right. You have to get these right if you want to nail your Trades business online. There are 5 brand steps you need to set your Trades Facebook page up for success. They’re easy and free. Getting these brand basics right can be the difference between you wasting all your precious time for months, even years, without getting any results whatsoever or building your brand on Facebook that eventually becomes a power tool in your business and brings you the kinds of clients and work you actually want. We prefer the latter.

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