9 construction marketing ideas to recession proof your business.

9 construction marketing ideas to recession proof your business.

Never will your construction brand and marketing ideas be more important to you than when the economy is going through changes or a tough old time. When you decide to run your own Trade and Construction business, you know there is going to be ‘ups and downs’. It’s part and parcel of the ‘privilege’ of becoming a construction business owner. And oftentimes, the ‘ups and downs’ are a knock-on effect to factors outside of our control. Changes in the law and government. Worldwide pandemics. The Suez Canal. Recessions. If you want to run a successful Trade and Construction business, part of the gig is learning how to ride these waves. And your brand and marketing (done right) can feel like your guardian angel when times get tough. Helping you remain front of mind to people for those still willing and able to have construction works completed. And visible to those on the look-out and waiting for the right time to give go-ahead. So, get it right. Here's 9 Construction Marketing Ideas to help recession proof your business and ride those waves…

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How Trevor Won a 5 Figure Decorating Project WIth his Construction marketing Without even Meeting The Clients.

How Trevor Won a 5 Figure Decorating Project WIth his Construction marketing Without even Meeting The Clients.

Your Trade and Construction marketing ideas must be pretty good if you can win a project without even meeting the clients first. Imagine that? Your five-figure quote accepted and deposit made into your account an hour later. Sound too good to be true? Not for our Decorator Trevor – who tells us exactly how that happened in his decorating business for a spray-painting project after we worked with him on a branded proposal document that sealed the deal when he sent it along with his quote. Here’s the full story.

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Honesty Hour: Why You Need To Avoid Building Your Own Construction Website.
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Honesty Hour: Why You Need To Avoid Building Your Own Construction Website.

It’s tempting. To design and build your own construction website. With the likes of Wix, Go Daddy and Square Space all offering a place online where even the most novice to marketing can ‘build a website’. But just because you can, does that mean you should? Just because I own a saw and a ladder does that mean I can call myself a Tree Surgeon and sort out the Oak Tree at the bottom of the garden? Just because I own a paintbrush and a tin of paint, do I have the skill to paint the entirety of my rental property? Just because I did ok in science at school and know what each colour wire in a plug is for, does that mean I’m fit to rewire my house? No. Why? Because a branch of that tree I start sawing could knock me off my ladder and hurt me. Because that tin of paint I have (that’s been in the garage for a decade) is actually white fence paint. Is that good for ceilings? And the electrics… I don’t even need to explain that one. Let’s look at all the reasons why even if you are thinking about building you own website, you should avoid it at all costs for the long run…

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