Landline vs Mobile: Is Your Telephone Number Ruining Your Construction Brand & Marketing?
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Landline vs Mobile: Is Your Telephone Number Ruining Your Construction Brand & Marketing?

Using a landline number in your construction marketing, can help to establish your business as a reliable and trustworthy brand and option for all of your clients' construction needs. A small, but mighty change in the lead up to building a brand. Let’s clear this one up straight away. I am in no way saying that you need to run out, rent/buy an office space, hire a receptionist, and install a landline number so that said receptionist can start taking all your missed calls and enquiries. No. In this incredible age, we can now have landline numbers that DIVERT to our mobiles. Mind-blowing. Meaning we are still able to take calls on the go. At our convenience. But instead, showcase a LANDLINE number in our marketing instead of a mobile one. Pretty nifty. We’re going to run through all the reasons why getting yourself set up with a landline number for your construction business is the ABSOLUTE way to go. So, let’s jump in.

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