The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Killer Portfolio for Your Construction Marketing.
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The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Killer Portfolio for Your Construction Marketing.

Showcasing your finest construction work in an online portfolio is crucial for scaling your Trades business. As attention spans shrivel, letting meticulous work speak volumes visually sets you apart. This step-by-step guide helps Trades showcase project photography, customer testimonials, videos, and previous quality examples for lead generation. We cover ideal structuring approaches to feature specialist skills, cross-promoting your portfolio online and common mistakes to avoid. Soon you’ll have a drool-worthy shopfront allowing prospective clients to preview expertise and fuel that cashflow 24/7. Get snapping! Let’s transform your business brand visibility online and growth potential today!

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Beginners Guide: Taking Your Own Construction Marketing Photos On-Site.
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Beginners Guide: Taking Your Own Construction Marketing Photos On-Site.

There are so many reasons why great photography should be a priority for your Trade and Construction brand and marketing. Photography helps to showcase your construction company's work and capabilities. High-quality photos of your completed projects can help to attract new clients and showcase your skills to potential customers. Photography can help to tell a story and provide context. By including photos of the construction process, you can give potential customers a better understanding of what goes into each project. Photography can help to differentiate your construction company from your competitors. Photography is a powerful tool for your construction social media marketing. By sharing photos of your projects on social media platforms, you can engage with potential customers and showcase your work to a wider audience. Photography can be used in a variety of marketing materials, including your website, brochures, business cards, and more. I think we can agree, photography is all-round epic for your construction marketing. Hiring a professional photographer may not always be possible – time, costs etc. And though we HIGHLY advice considering one for certain parts of your marketing (think website homepage as one of them), there are plenty of places that self-generated photos can help your Trade and Construction business. If you are going to take your own photos (presumably on your mobile phone) for your construction marketing, then it’s worth taking a few minutes to get it right. Because a high-quality shot of your work could be the difference in a customer enquiring with you… or scrolling past. Here's a bunch of helpful tips to help you NAIL your photography on site when taking your own construction photos…

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9 Reasons You Need Professional Headshots For Your Construction Marketing.

9 Reasons You Need Professional Headshots For Your Construction Marketing.

Professional Headshots are a MUST for your Construction business. Your trade and construction photography is one of the most powerful ways to bring the human element to your Trades And Construction brand. And showing us the human side to your business is going to help do a lot of the heavy lifting for your Construction brand and marketing. People buy from people. I’m sure you’ve heard that saying. Photography is one of the ways people get to know more about you before meeting you. You’ve probably heard the saying ‘a picture is worth a thousand words.’ And it’s true. How many times have you looked a photo of someone and made a conclusion about the kind of person they might be without even meeting them? Perhaps deciding if they might be worth having a meeting with? Well, other people are looking at your (and your team’s) quality of headshots and making initial conclusions about your construction business too. You want them to come away thinking ‘yes, I’d like to talk to them about my project,’ don’t you? And by taking the leap and investing in professional headshots for your construction marketing can, and will, raise your business game. So, let’s find out what the 9 reasons are that you need professional headshots for your construction marketing…

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Why Every Contractor Needs Before, During & After Photos For Their Construction Marketing.

Why Every Contractor Needs Before, During & After Photos For Their Construction Marketing.

It’s something that often gets overlooked in your Construction business but is critical for your construction marketing. Forgetting to take photos of a finished job. And not even thinking to take any of the site before you and your team get your hands on it. Why on earth do I need photos of a site that I’ve not yet worked on? More on that to follow. But what if remembering and consciously deciding to take quality photos before, during and after you’ve finished a project could help you win more construction jobs, earn you more money and actually prevent disputes on site with customers? To name but a few. Would it be worth doing then? When you take photos of your sites - you have these forever. To keep locked away on your phone for your own reference or to do various clever things with (ideas to follow). But the point being, you have them at your disposal. If by ‘trying to save time’ or ‘not thinking you need photo documentation of jobs as you get enough work from word of mouth’ (hear that one a lot) means that you document nothing, when things go quiet, you have nothing to promote yourself with. Times like Global Pandemics and recessions for example. Capturing photos before, during and after your construction projects is not only going to help you grow your business but help manage and change the way your days run. Here's a list of reasons why every Contractor needs before, during and after photos for their construction marketing.

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