Creative Ideas: How Your Team Can Help Boost Your Trade & Construction Marketing.
ONLINE Georgia Stylianou ONLINE Georgia Stylianou

Creative Ideas: How Your Team Can Help Boost Your Trade & Construction Marketing.

You know that your Trade and Construction marketing is just as important to your business as your work ‘On the Tools’ itself, right? How else will people know you exist to use you in the first place. Exactly. But juggling your brand and marketing all by yourself can be tough. Especially when you’re wearing a lot of different (hard) hats in your business. You do the bookkeeping, sales, admin, operations, on the tools AND marketing. To name but a few. But for those of you with Team Members, you have some help right under your nose. And you didn’t even realise it. There are lots of ways that your small (but mighty) team can help you with your Trade and Construction marketing ideas – and help lighten the load. These ideas work well for teams big or small. And if managed correctly can do wonders to your business visibility. Once you’ve fine-tuned them all, you may even decide to include some of these tasks in the job roles of your team and as part of your recruitment contracts. Executed well, these construction marketing ideas not only help build your brand centrally, but also make you more visible to a wider audience by utilising the audiences your Teams may already have. Without further ado, let’s drill down into how our Team Members can help boost our Trade and Construction marketing…

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Productivity Hack: Win Back 11+ Hours A Week For Your Construction Marketing.
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Productivity Hack: Win Back 11+ Hours A Week For Your Construction Marketing.

Hold onto your hard hats, as these super simple but effective productivity hacks for your Trade and Construction marketing could change the way you work in your business. According to statistics, the average UK user spends 110 minutes on Social Media, per day. For anyone else who is useless at quick math, that’s nearly 2 whole hours. That’s over 11 hours a week. What could you do with that time? And do we think that whole 110 minutes is spent working on our business, replying to customers, networking in groups where we can start getting some enquiries – being productive? I think not. So, if I save you 11 hours on social media alone, then I’ve done my job with this blog, right? Well, that’s only one of the things I’m going to help you with. The other hacks are a bunch of corkers too.

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How To Use Christmas To Kick-Start Your Construction Business’s Best Year Ever.
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How To Use Christmas To Kick-Start Your Construction Business’s Best Year Ever.

Construction Marketing Idea: Send Christmas Cards to your current and past clients and Branded Christmas Gifts to those who are on big contracts with you. This small gesture can seriously leverage the way people think about you and your Construction brand. And this works for both residential and commercial customers alike. You just have to think about who you are sending the cards and gifts to, to make sure everything about this is in keeping with what your Ideal Client would appreciate. So, here’s a list of all the reasons you should HIGHLY consider sending branded Christmas Card and/or gifts to your Trade and Construction customers this year and why it will help set your business up for an even better ‘next year’...

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Perfect Examples Of How Your Personal Brand On Social Media Is Ruining Your Construction Marketing.
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Perfect Examples Of How Your Personal Brand On Social Media Is Ruining Your Construction Marketing.

As a business owner in the construction industry, you know that first impressions are everything. In today's digital age, that first impression is often made on social media before you even have a chance to shake someone's hand. That's why it's so important to make sure your personal brand on social media is up to par. The most successful Trade and Construction businesses I know and have worked with for the last decade are those who are led with directors and team members that have exceptional personal brands. Keep reading to learn more about how poor personal branding can ruin your construction marketing.

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Construction Marketing Ideas You Never Thought Of.
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Construction Marketing Ideas You Never Thought Of.

Construction marketing ideas you never thought of – but desperately need. You run a construction business. And you’re good at what you do. Trouble is – there’s a tonne of competition around you. Who offer the same services. You already know your value, and that there’s no way you’re just going to under-cut others as a way of getting the job. Because you’re clued up. You know that only leads to cash flow issues, stress and all the other bad stuff you do not need or want in your life. So, what can you do? Well. There are so many other Trade and Construction companies out there that, when it comes to the workmanship of the actual job itself, are great at what they do too. Just like you. Which means that for your Trade and Construction company to stand out, you need to dig deeper. And in fact, it’s the smaller details in what you do OFF THE TOOLS that mean your construction business is more visible, credible, and memorable. And many of them are easier than you think. Let’s run through some construction marketing ideas you never thought of that you can start implementing in your construction business right now to get a step ahead of the competition.

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