The Ultimate Trade and construction Testimonial Video of all time.
REVIEWS Georgia Stylianou REVIEWS Georgia Stylianou

The Ultimate Trade and construction Testimonial Video of all time.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Reviews and testimonials are EVERYTHING for your Trades business. What others are saying about you publicly will make or break you. It’s serious stuff. Like man flu. Only way better. Not enough Trades take the time needed to work on and build their reviews and testimonials. Fact. But the funny thing is, if they did take the time, these reviews and testimonials would do a lot of the heavy lifting for them when it comes to marketing their Trades business. Imagine that.

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3 Time-Saving Social Media Tips for Trades AND CONSTRUCTION.
ONLINE Georgia Stylianou ONLINE Georgia Stylianou

3 Time-Saving Social Media Tips for Trades AND CONSTRUCTION.

As a Trade, do you ever find that when you jump onto Facebook, Instagram and the likes, you end up wasting more time than an apprentice shopping for Tartan paint? Yes. Exactly. So we’ve come up with a few tips to keep you on the straight and narrow when it comes to Social Media for your Trades business.

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