Looking To Create A Money-Making Trade and Construction Video Testimonial? Here’s 5 Questions To Ask Your Client.
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Looking To Create A Money-Making Trade and Construction Video Testimonial? Here’s 5 Questions To Ask Your Client.

Trade and Construction testimonial videos are a MUST for your business marketing. But this DOESN’T HAVE to mean a professional film production video. Though this is epic if you are able to do this. There are other ways to capture great client experiences that can make for money-making branded testimonial videos. You can record it yourself on your phone. Or you can ask your client to record a selfie video on their own phone to send to you. But what do clients need to say in the videos that can DRIVE your Trade and Construction marketing? It is YOUR responsibility to help tease the ‘good stuff’ out of your clients. And the best way to do this is to ask specific questions that you want captured for your Trade and Construction marketing. Here's 5 fundamental questions to get answers for to create money-making testimonials for your Trade and Construction marketing…

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7 Game-Changing Tweaks To Validate Your Trade & Construction Reviews.
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7 Game-Changing Tweaks To Validate Your Trade & Construction Reviews.

Your Trade and Construction reviews are as much a part of your brand and marketing as your logo design, website or vehicle graphics. What clients are saying about you when you are not there can make or break your business. Making sure you validate your reviews when re-using or re-purposing them in your marketing is crucial – in a world where we question how real are online reviews? Here are 7 game-changing tweaks to help validate your Trade and Construction reviews when you are using them for your brand and marketing.

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