Wowing Your Way to Repeat Business: Secrets of a Stellar Customer Experience.

Black image with white and yellow text reading "Marketing - Wowing Your Way To Repeat Business: Secrets Of A Stellar Customer Experience."

Let me guess.

You're here because you're ready to level up your customer experience game and start turning those one-time clients into repeat business.

Well, buckle up.

Because we're about to embark on a wild ride through the wonderful world of wowing your customers.


I know what you're thinking.

"But wait, I already provide great service! Isn't that enough?"

And sure, great service is a good start.

But if you want to create the kind of customer experience in your Trade and construction  marketing that has clients beating down your door for more, you're going to need to go above and beyond the basic expectations.

Don't worry, though.

I've got your back. 👊🏽

I've compiled the ultimate list of secrets to help you create a stellar customer experience for your Trade and Construction clients that will leave your them swooning.

So, grab a pen and paper (or just use your photographic memory, you genius, you), and let's dive in. 📝

1. Put Yourself in Your Trade and Construction Customer's shoes.

First things first.

If you want to create a customer experience that truly wows, you need to start by putting yourself in your customer's work boots.

And no, I don't mean literally (although if you're into that sort of thing, who am I to judge?). 👠

What I'm talking about is taking the time to really understand your customer's needs, wants, and pain points.

❓  What are they looking for in a trade service provider?

❓  What are their biggest frustrations with the process?

❓  What would make their lives easier and less stressful?

One way to get inside your customer's head is to create ideal clients.

These are fictional representations of your ideal customers based on real data and research.

By giving your target audience a name, a face, and a backstory, you can better understand their motivations and tailor your customer experience to meet their unique needs.

Nice. 👌🏽

For example.

Let's say one of your ideal clients is "Busy Beth."

She's a working mum with two kids and a hectic schedule.

So she values convenience and reliability above all else.

Knowing this, you might offer online scheduling, text message updates, and a satisfaction guarantee to make her life easier and give her peace of mind.

💡 Pro Tip: Don't be afraid to ask your Trade and Construction customers for feedback! Send out surveys, conduct interviews, or just strike up a conversation on the job site. The more you know about your customers' needs and preferences, the better you can serve them.

2. Communication is Key for your Trade and Construction marketing.


I know this one seems obvious, but bear with me.

When it comes to creating a stellar customer experience, communication is everything. And I'm not just talking about answering the phone when someone calls (although that's a good start). ☎️

No, I'm talking about proactive, transparent, and timely communication throughout the entire customer journey.

From the moment someone reaches out to you Trade to enquire about your services to the final follow-up after the job is done, you need to keep those lines of communication wide open.

So, what does that look like in practice?

Well, for starters, it means responding promptly to enquiries and requests.

No one likes to be left hanging, so make sure you're checking your email, voicemail, and carrier pigeon regularly.

It also means setting clear expectations from the get-go.

Be upfront about your pricing, timeline, and process.

So there are no surprises down the line. 🥳

And if something comes up that might affect the project (like a material shortage or weather delay), let your customer know as soon as possible so they can plan accordingly.

But perhaps most importantly, it means keeping your Trade and Construction customer in the loop throughout the entire project.

Send regular updates on your progress, even if it's just a quick text or email to say "hey, we're still on track!" 📧

And if you hit any snags along the way, don't try to sweep them under the rug.

Be honest and transparent about what's going on and how you plan to fix it. 🛠️

3. Go Above and Beyond for your Trade and Construction Clients.

Now, I know what you're thinking.

"Isn’t going above and beyond just setting myself up for unrealistic expectations and scope creep?"

And sure, there's a fine line between providing exceptional service and being a pushover.

But hear me out. 👂🏽

Going above and beyond doesn't necessarily mean doing extra work for free or bending over backwards to meet every whim and fancy.

It's more about those little touches that show you care about your customer and their experience with your business.

For example.

Let's say you're a plumber who just finished up a big job for a client.

Instead of just packing up your tools and hitting the road, take a few extra minutes to walk through the space with them and explain what you did and why.

Offer some tips on how to maintain their new fixtures and appliances, and maybe even leave behind a little "care package" with some branded swag and a handwritten thank-you note. 📝

Or maybe you're an electrician who noticed that your client's outdoor lighting is looking a little worse for wear while you were working on their indoor wiring. 💡

Instead of just ignoring it, offer to take a look and give them a quote for an upgrade.

Even if they don't take you up on it right away, they'll appreciate the proactive approach and keep you in mind for future projects.

The point is, going above and beyond is about anticipating your customer's needs and finding ways to add value to their experience with your business.

It's about those small, thoughtful gestures that show you're not just there to get the job done, but to build a relationship and earn their trust and loyalty.

💡 Pro Tip: Make sure your team is on board with your above-and-beyond approach! Train them to look for opportunities to wow customers and empower them to go the extra mile when appropriate. A little recognition and reward for exceptional service never hurts either!

4. Follow Up Like a Boss as part of your Trade and Construction marketing.

So you've put yourself in your customer's shoes, communicated like a champ, and gone above and beyond to deliver a stellar experience.

Time to pat yourself on the back and call it a day, right?

Not so fast.

If you really want to wow your way to repeat business for your Trade, you need to master the art of the follow-up.

And no, I don't just mean sending a generic "thanks for your business" email and calling it good.

A great follow-up starts with a personal touch.

Pick up the phone and give your customer a call a day or two after the job is done to thank them for their business and make sure they're completely satisfied with the work.

If there are any issues or concerns, address them promptly and professionally.

But don't stop there!

Keep the relationship going by staying in touch on a regular basis.

Send a newsletter with helpful tips and tricks related to your Trade, or even just a friendly check-in email to see how they're doing.

If you come across an article or resource that you think they might find useful, pass it along with a personal note.

And of course, don't forget the power of a good old-fashioned thank-you gift! 🎁

Whether it's a branded mug, a gift card to a local coffee shop, or a charitable donation made in their name, a small token of your appreciation can go a long way in cementing your relationship and keeping your business top of mind.

Be sure to check out more on how our Trades NAIL their Thank You gifts for their Trade and Construction Marketing here…

🎁The Easiest Brand Idea You Can Use To Stand Out From Other Trades.

5. Put Customers at the heart of your Trade and Construction Marketing.


If you really want to create a customer experience that wows, you need to make it a team effort.

And that means creating a customer-centric culture that runs through every level of your business.

What does that look like in practice?

Well, for starters.

It means making sure everyone on your team understands the importance of customer service and knows how to deliver it consistently.

That might mean regular training sessions, role-playing exercises, or even just leading by example and modelling the behaviour you want to see.

It also means empowering your team to make decisions and take action in the best interest of the customer.

Give them the tools and resources they need to solve problems and exceed expectations and trust them to use their judgment and expertise to do what's right. 👏🏼

And perhaps most importantly…

It means celebrating and rewarding exceptional customer service. 🏆

Recognise team members who go above and beyond with shout-outs, bonuses, or even just a heartfelt thank-you. 💝

When your team feels valued and appreciated for their efforts, they'll be more motivated to keep up the great work and create those wow-worthy experiences that keep customers coming back for more.

⬇️ Wowing Your Way to Repeat Business: Secrets of a Stellar Customer Experience RUNDOWN:

1.             Put Yourself in Your Trade and Construction Customer's shoes.
2.             Communication is Key.
3.             Go Above and Beyond for your Clients.
4.             Follow Up Like a Boss.
5.             Put Customers at the heart of your Trade and Construction business.

Ready to Take Your Customer Experience to the Next Level?


We've covered a lot of ground.

But if you're feeling overwhelmed by all this customer experience talk, don't worry…

I've got just the thing to help you get started.

Got 3 minutes?

Take our Trades Quiz to discover how you score with all things ‘Off The Tools’.

We have heaps of tips, tricks, and hacks for your Trade and Construction business in our cheat sheets, videos and ideas waiting for you on the other side… i.e., your results page.

So, you can improve your score. And NAIL your Trade and Construction business.


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