3 Things You Need To Start Doing In Facebook Groups For Your Trade & Construction Business.
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3 Things You Need To Start Doing In Facebook Groups For Your Trade & Construction Business.

Trade and Construction companies are using Facebook Groups all wrong in their Brand and Marketing. These are community spaces where people go to support and help each other. This is not a place for a sales pitch. But this doesn’t mean it’s not a place for business. Quite the opposite in fact. But for Trade and Construction businesses to use these ready-made audiences as part of their marketing strategy, they need to become part of the community themselves. So, what does this mean we need to start doing? Exactly that. Helping and supporting the community within the Facebook Group. How? By engaging and interacting with the members through comments, posting educational content and showing the humans behind the Trade and Construction business so that we can start building the know, like trust factor in one of the most powerful places possible.

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7 Reasons To Seriously Consider Online Networking for Your Trade & Construction Business.
ONLINE Georgia Stylianou ONLINE Georgia Stylianou

7 Reasons To Seriously Consider Online Networking for Your Trade & Construction Business.

I’m going to share with you the 9 reasons you should seriously consider Online Networking as part of your strategy to grow your Trades and Construction business. Yes, for many Trades, in-person meetings appear to be more favourable on the surface. However. There are some SERIOUS benefits go going digital that include saving hours of time every week, growing your Trade or Construction business FASTER in areas you want to start working in, as well as showing us behind the scenes of your business and becoming much more memorable as a brand - which will increase enquiries and rocket those conversions. Nice. We share tips and tricks on exactly how online networking can be your new best friend in this blog.

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How to Brand your Trade and construction Facebook Page in 5 Easy Steps.
ONLINE Georgia Stylianou ONLINE Georgia Stylianou

How to Brand your Trade and construction Facebook Page in 5 Easy Steps.

Whether you’re thinking about setting up your first ever Facebook page for your Trades business or you already have a page you’ve been using for years. Trades waste so much time and energy ‘doing their Facebook’ and never reap the rewards they deserve because they haven’t got the brand basics right. You have to get these right if you want to nail your Trades business online. There are 5 brand steps you need to set your Trades Facebook page up for success. They’re easy and free. Getting these brand basics right can be the difference between you wasting all your precious time for months, even years, without getting any results whatsoever or building your brand on Facebook that eventually becomes a power tool in your business and brings you the kinds of clients and work you actually want. We prefer the latter.

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3 Time-Saving Social Media Tips for Trades AND CONSTRUCTION.
ONLINE Georgia Stylianou ONLINE Georgia Stylianou

3 Time-Saving Social Media Tips for Trades AND CONSTRUCTION.

As a Trade, do you ever find that when you jump onto Facebook, Instagram and the likes, you end up wasting more time than an apprentice shopping for Tartan paint? Yes. Exactly. So we’ve come up with a few tips to keep you on the straight and narrow when it comes to Social Media for your Trades business.

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