Building a Recession-Proof Foundation: 9 Marketing Strategies for Building Companies

In the world of construction, navigating the ups and downs of the economy is just part of the job description.

As a building company owner, you've signed up for the roller coaster ride of market fluctuations, government policy changes, global pandemics, and even the occasional Suez Canal blockage.

But when a recession looms on the horizon, it's time to put on your hard hat and get strategic with your marketing efforts.

Your brand and marketing (when done right) can be the scaffolding that supports your business through tough times. 🏗️

It keeps you top of mind for clients who are still building, and visible to those waiting for the perfect moment to break ground.


Let's lay the foundation for success with these 9 marketing ideas to help your building company weather any economic storm…. 👊🏽👊🏽

1. Be the Beacon: Stay Visible on Social Media for your building company marketing.

When the economy takes a nosedive, many building companies make the mistake of going radio silent on social media.

But the most successful construction businesses during the Covid-19 pandemic were the ones who kept their online presence shining bright, even when job sites were shut down.

So, how can you stay visible when there's no active construction to showcase?

(If when the economy is not too bad, you might be having a slow period and this can help).

Here are some social media ideas that don't require you to be on-site:

✅ Throwback to your favourite building project and tell us why it was so memorable.

✅ Share never-before-seen photos or videos of past jobs (even if you've posted about the project before).

✅ Introduce your team with friendly photos and bios.

✅ Go live with a Q&A session, answering common questions about your building services.

✅ Promote a complementary business, like an interior design firm or landscaping company. They'll likely return the favour.

✅ Read out a glowing review from a happy IDEAL CLIENT and give some behind-the-scenes details about the project.

✅ Showcase your favourite tools and equipment, explaining their importance and how they benefit your clients.

The key is to keep showing up.

Even if you have to get a little creative.

By sharing your expertise and personality, you'll build deeper connections with your audience that will pay off when the economy bounces back. 👌🏽👌🏽

2. Build bridges through networking and partnerships for your building company marketing.

During the height of the pandemic, I spoke with numerous building companies who credited their survival to the support and connections they made through networking groups.

Because the right networking group is about so much more than just referrals.


It's about:

✅   Sharing challenges and feeling less alone.

✅   Getting advice from industry suppliers on marketing, finance, or legal matters.

✅   Commiserating with fellow construction professionals facing similar struggles.

✅   Boosting each other's marketing efforts by sharing social media posts.

✅   Forming friendships that provide relief during difficult times.

✅   Offering work to each other when times get particularly tough.

✅   Accessing business training and support workshops.

And yes.

There are also those valuable referrals and introductions.

One powerful networking tip I always give my construction clients is to ask for specific introducers when promoting your business each week.

Instead of just asking for introductions to homeowners looking to expand, try something like:

"I'm looking for introductions to ABC Estate Agents who help homebuyers purchase their forever homes. I can help ABC by being the go-to construction company for new sale renovations."

By targeting introducers who can provide ongoing work, rather than one-time clients, you'll build relationships that can sustain your business through any economic downturn.

Pretty good going.

3. Get involved with local community efforts for your building company marketing.

Want to build goodwill and visibility for your construction company?

Get involved in your local community! 🙌🏽

🙏🏽   Sponsor a youth sports team.

🙏🏽   Volunteer at a school event.

🙏🏽   Deliver meals to families in need.

🙏🏽   Or donate to a worthy cause.

When you show the human side of your business and give back selflessly, people take notice.

They'll feel good about welcoming your company into their homes and businesses.

Knowing that you're invested in making the community a better place.


Being active in your community can lead to valuable connections and opportunities that may not have crossed your path otherwise.

Put on your company t-shirt and get out there!...

4. Nurture Your Roots: Re-engage with Past Happy Clients for your Building Company Marketing

You've probably heard of the Pareto Principle.

Also known as the 80/20 rule.

The one that say 80% of your business comes from 20% of your customers.

Know it?

So, if repeat business is that valuable, shouldn't you be doing everything possible to keep past and current clients engaged?


Consider this eye-opening stat.

Acquiring a new customer can cost five times more than retaining an existing customer for your Trade and Construction business

Increasing customer retention by 5% can increase profits from 25-95%. The success rate of selling to a customer you already have is 60-70%, while the success rate of selling to a new customer is 5-20%.

Pretty compelling.

Don't neglect your happy clients from the past.

Look for ways to re-engage with them and spark new conversations that could lead to repeat work or valuable introductions for your building company.

Send thank-you cards or gifts to show your appreciation for their past business or referrals.

Learn more about how thank you cards and gifts can take your Trade and Construction brand to a new level here.

Consider starting a newsletter to keep past clients in the loop about your latest projects and offerings.

Work with a construction marketing company to ensure you're following best practices and legal guidelines.

You really don’t want to be working off of guess-work and landing yourself in hot water.

Which is pretty easy to do if you don’t know all the marketing ropes when it comes to Email Newsletters.

And don't forget the power of seasons greetings! 🎄

Sending Christmas cards to every client you've ever worked with is an easy way to express gratitude and stay top of mind for future projects.

Check out all the reasons Christmas Card designs for your construction marketing ideas can help kick-start your best year ever in business.

5. Polish Your Process: Improve your Customer Experience to help recession proof your building company.

When a recession is on the horizon, it's the perfect time to examine your customer experience and look for ways to shine.

How can you elevate your brand, create memorable moments, and inspire clients to recommend you to everyone they know?

💡  Maybe it's sending a photo of the team member who will be arriving on-site when you confirm the job details.

💡  Perhaps you invest in branded doormats to protect the client's floors during the construction process.

💡  Do you offer a complimentary end-of-build cleaning service to leave the space spotless?

💡  For larger projects, consider gifting the client a bespoke present that complements their new space.

💡  On smaller jobs, leave a personally signed thank-you card to show your appreciation.

💡  Or, surprise your client with a welcome box before the project begins, filled with branded goodies, color swatches, and tasty treats.

The possibilities are endless.

And the specific ideas will vary based on your construction specialty.

But the goal remains the same…

Go above and beyond to create an unforgettable experience that sets you apart from all other building companies. 🔥

6. Maintain Your Value: Avoid Discount Marketing for your building company.

When business is slow, it's tempting to slash prices and plaster "50% off" all over your marketing materials.

But this strategy can backfire in a big way. ❌

Excessive discounting can make potential clients wonder:

❌ Is the company struggling financially?

❌ Will they be able to complete my project if they're at risk of going under?

❌ Is there something wrong with their services or materials?

❌ Will I be getting subpar results at this reduced price?


Constantly running sales can train clients to wait for the next discount instead of booking at the regular rate.

It devalues your expertise and can be difficult to recover from once you raise prices again. 🤦🏼‍♀️

Instead of racing to the bottom with discounts for your building company marketing, focus on highlighting the value you provide and building trust with your audience:

✅   Increase the quantity and quality of your online reviews for your building company.

✅   Partner with reputable companies who can refer multiple clients, like estate agents or interior designers.

✅   Continuously improve your customer experience (see previous point).

✅   Create a professional, approachable online presence by showcasing the people behind your brand.

✅   Identify your IDEAL CLIENT and tailor your marketing to address their specific needs and problems.

By focusing on value instead of price, you'll attract clients who appreciate your expertise and are willing to invest in a job well done.

That’s what we want.

7. Cover Your Assets: Ensure Airtight Terms and Conditions for your building company marketing.

I know, I know.

Talking about legal stuff in a construction marketing blog post feels like a curve ball.

But bear with me. 🐻

During a recession, when business is slow, one bad project can be enough to sink a construction company.

I have LITERALLY seen this happen.

That's why it's more important than ever to have your legal ducks in a row. 🦆

Your terms and conditions are there to protect you and your client in case something goes wrong.

But for them to be effective, they need to be legally sound and enforceable.

So here’s a few don'ts when it comes to your T&Cs:

❌   Don't cobble them together from snippets you find on Google.

These may not be legal in your area or could be infringing on someone else's intellectual property.

❌   Don't copy them from a friend's business.

If they're not properly written, they won't hold up in court.

Plus, you're still using someone else's work without permission.

❌   Be wary of online templates.

They may not be tailored to your specific business needs or location.

The best course of action is to sit down with a lawyer who specializes in construction law and have them draft or review your terms and conditions.

Yes. This will be an investment.

But not only will this give you peace of mind, but presenting professionally written T&Cs to clients before starting a project can boost your reputation. 👍🏽

It shows that you're organized, transparent, and committed to running a legally compliant building comapny.

Something that so many, are not.

And if a dispute does arise, you'll be glad you invested in that legal protection. 📚

8. Find Your Niche: Specialise Your Services and/or Ideal Clients.

When you're first starting out, it's natural to want to be everything to everyone.

But the most successful construction companies are often the ones who specialise in a specific type of project or client.

Niching down (specialising) allows you to tailor your marketing to speak directly to your ideal audience, instead of trying to appeal to the masses.

For example, you might specialize in:

🏡   High-end residential renovations
🏢   Commercial office buildouts
🌿   Eco-friendly construction materials
🏗️   Historic home restorations
🏘️   Multi-family housing developments

By focusing on a specific niche, you can position yourself as the go-to expert in that area.

✅ Your marketing will be more targeted.

✅ Your messaging more compelling.

✅ And your projects more profitable.

Plus, niching down can help you streamline your business operations and become more efficient, which is crucial during a recession.

Need help identifying your IDEAL CLIENT?

Jump over to What Is An Ideal Client And Why Do I Need One For My Trade & Construction Business?

We've got you covered.

9. Get Moving: Implement These Ideas Now For Your Building Company Marketing

Whether we officially enter a recession or not, don't wait to put these marketing strategies into action.

Just like getting in shape. seeing results requires consistency over time. The sooner you start, the better positioned you'll be to weather any economic storms.

⭐️  Build a memorable brand and engaged social media following.

⭐️  Form valuable relationships and partnerships through strategic networking.

⭐️  Establish your construction company as a community leader and generous neighbour.

⭐️  Wow your clients with exceptional service and collect glowing reviews to attract more business.

⭐️  Protect your company with ironclad terms and conditions that convey professionalism.

⭐️  Niche down your services or target audience to become the go-to expert in your field.

By implementing these ideas and strategies NOW, you'll not only recession-proof your building company, but also lay the groundwork for long-term growth and success.

So, what are you waiting for?

Grab your tool belt and let's get to work. 🛠️

⬇️   Building a Recession-Proof Foundation: 9 Marketing Strategies for Building Companies Rundown:

1.        Stay Visible on Social Media for your building company marketing.
2.        Build bridges through networking and partnerships.
3.        Get involved with community efforts.
4.        Re-engage with past happy clients.
5.        Improve the customer experience.
6.        Avoid ‘discount’ marketing.
7.        Be sure your terms and conditions are airtight.
8.        Look at how you can niche down your clients and services.
9.        Don’t wait! Get going with these construction marketing ideas NOW.

🛠   Need a little more help nailing your Building Company Marketing Ideas?

Course you do.

First. Let’s work out where you are with all things Marketing.

⏰  Got 3 minutes?

Take our Trades Quiz to discover how you score with all things ‘Off The Tools’.

We have heaps of tips, tricks, and hacks for your Trade and Construction business in our cheat sheets, videos and ideas waiting for you on the other side… i.e., your results page.

So, you can improve your score. And NAIL your Trade and Construction business.



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