Landscapers Beware: Why Putting All Your Trust in Social Media is Like Planting a Garden in the Desert

Listen up, Landscapers.

I know you're all about cultivating beautiful outdoor spaces that stand the test of time.

But when it comes to your marketing strategy, are you planting seeds in fertile soil or scattering them in the wind?


Don't get me wrong.

Social media can be a fantastic tool for your landscaping business.

It's a great way to showcase your stunning designs, connect with potential clients, and even dig up some glowing reviews.

But here's the thing.

If you're relying solely on the likes of Facebook and Instagram to keep your landscaping business blooming, you might as well be trying to grow a lush garden in the middle of the Sahara.

So, put down your trowel for a minute.

And let's chat about why you can't afford to put all your trust in the social media sandbox.

1. 📲  Your landscaping business does not own any of the social media platforms.

Imagine this.

You’ve just finished designing and installing a breath-taking landscape for a client.

It's got all the bells and whistles.

A tranquil water feature.

Perfectly manicured hedges.

And a cosy outdoor living space that would make any homeowner green with envy.

You’re feeling pretty proud of yourself, right?

But then, the owner of the property comes along and says, “Sorry mate, I’ve decided to sell this land to a developer. You’ve got 24 hours to dig up your masterpiece before the bulldozers come in.”

That’s essentially what you’re dealing with when you build your entire marketing strategy on social media.

You don’t own the platform.

You’re just borrowing space.

And just like a fickle property owner, Mark Zuckerberg or any other social media bigwig can change the rules, revoke your access, or even evict you without warning.

Imagine waking up one morning to find that Instagram has vanished into thin air.

All your carefully curated content, hard-earned followers, and engaging conversations – gone like a puff of dandelion seeds in the wind.

Scary stuff, right?

The point is, when you invest all your time and resources into someone else’s garden, you’re always at the mercy of their whims.

And that’s a risky move for any landscaping business looking to establish deep roots.

2. 🕸️  The information we need is scattered across social media for your Trade and Construction marketing.

Picture this.

You're on a job site and you need a specific type of succulent for a client's rock garden.

But instead of having it neatly organized in your nursery, it's lost somewhere in a vast jungle of random plants and flowers.

You spend hours hacking through the undergrowth, getting more and more frustrated by the minute.

That's kind of what it's like when potential clients try to find specific information about your landscaping business on social media.

Sure, they might stumble upon a few posts about your services or a handful of reviews, but it's scattered across multiple platforms and buried under piles of unrelated content.

Compare that to a well-designed website, where all the important details about your landscaping business – your portfolio, your process, your contact info – are neatly laid out and easy to find.

It's like having a perfectly organized nursery, where you can pluck exactly what you need in a matter of seconds.

The moral of the story?

Don't make your potential clients machete their way through a tangled online jungle to find what they're looking for.

Give them a user-friendly website that makes it easy to learn about your landscaping services and get in touch.

And your social media pages are what lead us to it…

3. 🎧  There is so much noise that your Landscaping business marketing has to compete with.

Let’s face it.

Social media is a noisy place.

It’s like trying to have a serious conversation at a crowded farmers market during peak season.

You’ve got dog videos, trending hashtags, and opinionated aunties all vying for attention, and your beautifully crafted post about your latest landscaping project can easily get lost in the hubbub.

Even if you’ve got a decent following on social media, there’s no guarantee that your content will actually reach your target audience.

Thanks to mysterious algorithms and ever-changing newsfeed preferences, your posts might only be seen by a fraction of your followers.

And who knows if they’re even in the market for a new garden design?

When you’re competing with memes and viral dance challenges for attention, it’s tough to make a lasting impression on potential clients.

That’s why it’s so important to diversify your marketing efforts and not put all your eggs in the social media basket.

4. 🧙🏾‍♂️  Your landscaping marketing is at the Mercy of Algorithm Overlords on social media.

Imagine if the rules of horticulture changed every other week.

Without warning or explanation.

One day you're allowed to use a certain type of fertilizer.

The next day it's banned and you have to rethink your entire approach.

Frustrating, right?

Well, that's basically what happens on social media platforms.

The algorithm overlords are constantly tweaking and updating their formulas, which means the strategies that worked for your landscaping business last month might be completely useless today.

One minute, live videos are all the rage and your behind-the-scenes clips are racking up views like nobody's business.

The next minute, the platform decides to prioritize stories and your view count wilts faster than an un-watered succulent. 🌱

It's exhausting trying to keep up with the ever-changing whims of the social media gods.

And it can be a huge drain on your time and resources.

That's why it's so important to have a marketing strategy that's built on solid ground.

Rather than the shifting sands of social media algorithms.

5. 👎🏼  You have no control over negative reviews for your Trade and Construction business.


I know you're a top-notch landscaper who always goes above and beyond for your clients.

But let's be real.

Even the best of us can't please everyone all the time.

And when a grumpy customer decides to unleash their inner keyboard warrior and leave a scathing review on your Facebook page, it can be a real thorn in your side.

The problem with social media is that you have very little control over what people say about your business.

Sure, you can respond to negative reviews and try to smooth things over, but the damage is often already done.

Those less-than-glowing comments are out there for all the world to see, and they can be tough to prune away.

Compare that to your own website.

Where you have complete control over the content and the narrative.

You can hand-pick the best reviews and testimonials to feature, and if someone does leave a negative comment, you can address it privately without it being broadcast to the entire internet.

Of course.

You should always strive to provide top-notch service and nip any issues in the bud before they blossom into public complaints.

But it's always good to have a little extra control over your online reputation, and a website gives you that power.

If you need a little help nailing more money-making reviews for your Trade and Construction business then check this out.

If you need a little help knowing how to handle a negative review in your business, then you’ll want to check this out.

6. 🛑 If you are hacked or locked out, your Landscaping marketing stops.

We've all had that moment of panic when we realize we can't remember our Instagram password.

But imagine if that momentary inconvenience turned into a full-blown lockout, with no way to access your account or all the hard-earned content and connections you've cultivated over the years.

It's a scary thought.

But it happens more often than you might think.

Hackers are constantly finding new ways to infiltrate social media accounts, and sometimes the platforms themselves will lock users out for suspicious activity or violations of their ever-changing terms of service.

If your entire marketing strategy is tied to your social media presence, a lockout can be devastating.

Suddenly, all the time and effort you've put into building your online reputation is inaccessible, and you're left scrambling to find new ways to reach your audience.

⭐️ PRO TIP: Make sure you have a trusted team member or marketing partner set up as an admin on your social media accounts.

That way, if you do get locked out, someone else can still access and manage your presence while you work on getting back in.

But even with that precaution in place, it's still a scary situation to be in.

That's why it's so important to have a website and other marketing channels that you own and control, so you're not totally dependent on the whims of the social media gods.

⬇️  Landscapers Beware: Why Putting All Your Trust in Social Media is Like Planting a Garden in the Desert Rundown:

1. You're planting in someone else's garden – and they can uproot you anytime.

2. Important info about your business gets lost in the online jungle.

3. You're competing with cat videos and dance challenges for attention.

4. Algorithms change faster than horticultural trends.

5. Negative reviews can trample your hard-earned reputation.

6. A social media lockout is like being trapped in a greenhouse with no escape.

Need a little more help nailing your Landscaping marketing?

Course you do.

First. Let’s work out where you are with all things Landscaper marketing.

Got 3 minutes?

Take our Trades Quiz to discover how you score with all things ‘Off The Tools’.

We have heaps of tips, tricks, and hacks for your Trade and Construction business in our cheat sheets, videos and ideas waiting for you on the other side… i.e., your results page.

So, you can improve your score.

And NAIL your Landscaping business marketing.



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