Landscapers Beware: Why Putting All Your Trust in Social Media is Like Planting a Garden in the Desert
ONLINE Georgia Stylianou ONLINE Georgia Stylianou

Landscapers Beware: Why Putting All Your Trust in Social Media is Like Planting a Garden in the Desert

Landscapers, are you guilty of putting all your marketing eggs in the social media basket? I know, I know – it's tempting to focus all your efforts on platforms like Facebook and Instagram. After all, that's where all the cool kids are hanging out these days, right? But here's the thing: relying solely on social media to grow your landscaping business is like trying to plant a lush garden in the middle of the desert. Sure, you might get a few likes and comments here and there, but without a solid foundation (read: a kickass website), your online presence is about as sturdy as a sandcastle in a hurricane. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying you should ditch social media altogether. It's a fantastic tool for showcasing your work, connecting with potential clients, and even digging up some glowing reviews. But if you're not diversifying your marketing efforts and building a strong home base online, you're leaving your landscaping business vulnerable to the ever-changing whims of the algorithm overlords. In this blog post, we'll dive into all the reasons why putting all your trust in social media is a recipe for disaster – and what you can do to cultivate a thriving online presence that will help your landscaping business bloom for years to come. So, grab a shovel and let's get ready to plant some seeds of marketing wisdom!

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How Trevor Won a 5 Figure Decorating Project WIth his Construction marketing Without even Meeting The Clients.

How Trevor Won a 5 Figure Decorating Project WIth his Construction marketing Without even Meeting The Clients.

Your Trade and Construction marketing ideas must be pretty good if you can win a project without even meeting the clients first. Imagine that? Your five-figure quote accepted and deposit made into your account an hour later. Sound too good to be true? Not for our Decorator Trevor – who tells us exactly how that happened in his decorating business for a spray-painting project after we worked with him on a branded proposal document that sealed the deal when he sent it along with his quote. Here’s the full story.

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Why Steve Nailed His Brand With This Flooring Tip for his Construction Video Marketing.
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Why Steve Nailed His Brand With This Flooring Tip for his Construction Video Marketing.

You need to consider tip videos as part of your Trade and Construction marketing. It’s one of the most powerful ways to build your brand. Construction tip videos positions you as the expert for your Trade. You can film them yourself (no film crew required). Super-efficient if the job you’re working on entails this tip anyway. Perfect for short, consistent social media content. We get to know, like and trust you and your team. Take a leaf out of Steve’s book. Watch his Construction Tip Video for his flooring business and follow suit. Despite our client Steve making this video look seamless (I couldn’t resist the pun) there’s a lot that Steve is doing that makes this blockbuster so epic. Let’s break it down, so you too can start making game-changing tip videos for your Trade and Construction marketing too…

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Turn Quotes To Sales Using Brand In Your Trade And Construction Marketing.
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Turn Quotes To Sales Using Brand In Your Trade And Construction Marketing.

To turn more quotes to sales in your Trade and Construction business you need rely on your goof old friends – brand and marketing. If you only send over a quote breakdown the client is only going focus on the numbers. You haven’t shared with them your experience to build trust. Your proven process. And how you have this down to a T and rarely miss a deadline. Or eliminate any other worries and stresses they have before choosing the right Trade for the job. Because believe it or not, there are more worries than just money. Focusing on numbers only could lose you the job. Not proving your value could mean your competitor wins. So how do you help nudge your potential clients in the right direction? You use your brand and marketing of course. Here's a list of easy ways to do it…

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Why You Can’t Rely On Social Media Alone For Your Trade & Construction Business.
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Why You Can’t Rely On Social Media Alone For Your Trade & Construction Business.

⚠️ Relying on Social Media alone is the worst decision you will ever make for your Trade and Construction brand and marketing. Ever. There are tonnes of reasons why, which include loss of reviews, wasted time and money you will never see again in your efforts to post. Social Media should be used to build up the hype in your business. But never to build your entire business on it. Because you are building a house on rented land. And rented land means it can be taken away from you at any given moment. Find out what the dangers are in relying on it entirely for your marketing so your Trade and Construction business doesn’t fall victim.

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