Painting Your Way to Success: 7 Decorator Marketing Hacks That Won't Break the Bank.

Let’s talk about the elephant in the room. 🐘

You've got some serious skills with a brush.

But when it comes to marketing your decorating business, you're feeling a bit like a fish out of water.

And let's be honest.

Who has the budget to hire a fancy marketing agency when you're just trying to keep the lights on and the paint flowing?

But fear not.

Because I'm about to drop some knowledge bombs on how you can kickstart your decorator marketing without spending a single penny. 💣

That's right.

You can put away your wallet and still attract more clients than a freshly painted wall attracts fingerprints.

In this blog post, we'll dive into seven seriously effective (and seriously free) marketing hacks that will have your decorating business standing out like a neon accent wall in a sea of beige.

From social media sorcery to networking ninja moves, we've got you covered.

So, grab your trusty paintbrush and let's get ready to make some decorating marketing magic happen!

1. Become a Social Media Picasso as part of your Decorator Marketing.

First things first.

Let's talk about the power of social media for your decorator marketing.

And no, I'm not just talking about posting pictures of your lunch (although, if you're rocking some seriously artistic avocado toast, by all means, share away). 🥑

Creating social media profiles for your decorating business on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn is a fantastic way to showcase your work and connect with potential clients.

And the best part? It's completely free!

⭐️ PRO TIP: Before you start posting willy-nilly as part of your decorator marketing, take a moment to think about your Ideal Client.

Are they hanging out on Instagram drooling over designer interiors, or are they more likely to be scrolling through Facebook looking for local business recommendations?

Once you know where your dream clients are spending their time, you can focus your efforts on those platforms and skip the rest.

Now, once you've got your profiles set up, it's time to start posting like a boss.

Share before-and-after photos of your most jaw-dropping projects, give sneak peeks of works in progress, and don't be afraid to inject some of your sparkling personality into your captions.

People want to work with decorators they like and trust, so let your unique voice shine through!

And don’t forget the SOCIAL part of Social Media… ie, we need to get to know YOU by seeing your face in photos and hearing your voice on video to build that all important PERSONAL BRAND.

Take a read of this…

🚀Skyrocket Your Construction Network Marketing By Nailing Your Personal Brand.

2. Lights, Camera, Action! Going Live on Social Media for your Decorator Marketing.

It’s time to take your social media game to the next level.

And no, I'm not talking about using a trendy new filter.

I'm talking about going live on social media.

I know, I know.

The thought of broadcasting yourself in real-time might make you want to hide behind a dust sheet. 👻

But trust me, going live is one of the most powerful ways to connect with your audience and showcase your expertise.

Think about it: what better way to give potential clients a behind-the-scenes look at your decorating process than by bringing them along for the ride?

You can give live tutorials on painting techniques, answer questions from viewers, and even show off the stunning transformations you're working on in real-time. 🎨

Plus, most social media algorithms give a boost to live videos, meaning more people are likely to see your content.

It's like having a magic marketing wand that helps you reach more potential clients without spending a penny! 💰

And for those feeling a bit wary, this might help…

👻Going Live: How To Get Over Stage Fright for Social Media Marketing In Your Trade And Construction Business.

3. Get Your ‘In-Person’ Networking Game On for your Decorator Marketing.

I'm about to let you in on a little secret.

One of the most effective ways to market your decorating business (especially when you're on a shoestring budget) is to get out there and start networking like a boss.

Now, I know what you're thinking. "But I'm an introvert! I'd rather watch paint dry than schmooze with strangers!"

And I hear you.

But here's the thing: networking doesn't have to be a cringe-worthy affair filled with awkward small talk and stale canapes.

Attending local networking events for your decorator marketing, like Chamber of Commerce meetings or industry-specific gatherings, can be a fantastic way to connect with other business owners and potential clients in your area.

And the best part?

Many of these events are completely free to attend!

But how do you make the most of these networking opportunities without feeling like a used car salesman?

It's simple: focus on building genuine relationships.

Don't just shove your business card in people's faces and give them your sales pitch.

Instead, take the time to listen to their stories, ask questions about their businesses, and look for ways to help or collaborate.

You never know when that friendly conversation with a fellow small business owner might turn into a lucrative referral or partnership down the line.

So, put on your best smile (and maybe a clean shirt), and get ready to charm the pants off your local networking scene.

Give this one a read if you’re ready to take networking seriously…

📆 5 Non-Negotiables When Choosing A Networking Group For Your Construction Business.

4. Unleash Your Online Inner Networking Ninja for your Decorator Marketing.

Time to take your networking skills to the virtual world. 🌎

Because let's face it.

Sometimes you just can't beat the convenience of connecting with other professionals from the comfort of your own couch (or paint-splattered workshop, no judgment here).

Joining online networking groups and communities can be a game-changer for your decorator marketing, especially when you're working with a budget tighter than a freshly sealed paint can.

There are countless free groups on platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn where you can connect with other decorators, share advice and resources, and even find potential clients or collaborators.

But how do you stand out in a sea of virtual voices? Here are a few tips:


If someone asks a question about a painting technique or colour scheme, don't be afraid to share your expertise. Helping others is a surefire way to build trust and credibility.


Just because you're interacting through a screen doesn't mean you have to be a faceless robot. Let your unique voice and sense of humour shine through in your posts and comments.


Don't just lurk in the background like a shy wallflower. Jump into conversations, ask questions, and show genuine interest in what others have to say.

The more you put yourself out there, the more likely you are to make meaningful connections.

So, what are you waiting for?

Grab your laptop (and maybe a caffeinated beverage of choice) and get ready to network like a pro from the comfort of your own sofa. 🛋️

And if this hasn’t swayed you, maybe this will…

🖥️  7 Reasons To Seriously Consider Online Networking To Grow Your Trade & Construction Business.

5. Harness the Power of Word-of-Mouth (and Referral Incentives!) for your Decorator Marketing.

One of the most powerful (and completely free) marketing tools you have at your disposal is something you already possess: your existing clients.

That's right, the people who have already experienced your decorating magic firsthand can be your biggest cheerleaders and referral sources.

But here's the thing: sometimes, even the most satisfied customers need a little nudge to spread the word.

That's where referral incentives come in.

By offering a little something extra to clients who refer their friends and family to your decorating business, you can turn your happy customers into a virtual marketing army.

So, what kind of incentives work best? Here are a few ideas:

🎨   Offer a discount on their next decorating project for every successful referral they send your way.

🎨   Create a loyalty program where clients earn points or rewards for each referral, which they can redeem for free services or products.

🎨   Give a small gift, like a voucher to a local coffee shop or a free room touch-up, as a token of your appreciation for their referral.

The key is to make it easy and enticing for your clients to spread the word about your amazing decorating skills.

And don't be afraid to ask for referrals directly!

When you finish a project and your client is thrilled with the results, simply say something like…

"I'm so glad you love your newly transformed space! If you have any friends or family who could use a decorating boost, I'd be delighted if you shared my name with them."

Remember, your satisfied clients are your secret weapon when it comes to marketing your decorating business on a budget.

So, don't be shy about harnessing their power and turning those word-of-mouth referrals into a steady stream of new business.

And if they’re REALLY happy, be sure to direct them to the place you are collecting reviews for your Decorating business…

⬆️ 5 Tips For Getting More Reviews In Your Trade Business.

6. Start a decorating blog.

Get ready to unleash your inner wordsmith. ✍️

Because one of the most effective (and totally free) ways to market your decorating business is by starting a blog.

Now, I know what you're thinking.

"But I'm a decorator, not a writer! I'd rather watch paint dry than try to come up with clever blog post ideas!"

And I hear you.

But here's the thing: blogging isn't about being the next Shakespeare.

It's about sharing your expertise, showcasing your work, and connecting with potential clients in a way that feels authentic and helpful.

Think about it: when someone is considering hiring a decorator, they're probably searching the internet for inspiration, advice, and examples of what's possible.

And if they stumble upon your decorator blog, filled with stunning before-and-after photos, helpful tips and tricks, and a peek into your decorating process, they're going to be much more likely to trust you and want to work with you.

But what should you write about?

Here are a few ideas to get your creative juices flowing:

🎨   Share a step-by-step guide to a specific painting technique or style.

🎨   Showcase a recent project and walk readers through your process, from colour selection to the final reveal.

🎨   Offer advice on how to choose the perfect paint colour for different rooms or moods.

🎨   Share your favourite decorating trends or products and explain why you love them.

The key is to write about topics that your ideal clients would find interesting, helpful, and relevant.

And don't be afraid to let your personality shine through. 💡

People want to work with decorators they like and trust.

So infusing your blog posts with a bit of humour, storytelling, and heart can go a long way.

So, what are you waiting for?

Grab your laptop (and maybe a cup of coffee or a cool bevvy, depending on your writing style), and start blogging your way to decorating success.

7. Collaborate Like a Boss for your Decorating Marketing.

One of the most powerful ways to market your decorating business (without spending a penny) is by collaborating with other businesses and professionals in your industry.

Think about it: there are countless other businesses out there that serve the same Ideal Clients as you, but offer complementary services.

Interior designers.

Home staging company.

Estate and letting agents.

Carpenters... the list goes on and on.

And by teaming up with these businesses, you can tap into their audiences and expand your reach exponentially.

So, how do you get started with collaborations? Here are a few ideas:

💡        Reach out to a local interior designer and offer to collaborate on a blog post or social media series showcasing a recent project you worked on together.

💡        Partner with a home staging company and offer a discount to their clients who book your decorating services before listing their home.

💡        Host a joint webinar or live Q&A session with an estate agent, where you share your expertise on how to use colour and decor to increase a home's value.

💡        Team up with a furniture store and offer a free colour consultation to customers who purchase a certain amount of furniture.

The key is to find businesses that align with your values and serve a similar clientele.

And then get creative with how you can work together to cross-promote and add value to each other's audiences.

Don’t be afraid to think outside the box. 📦

Collaborations don't always have to be with businesses in your industry.

You could partner with a local charity and offer to donate your services for a fundraising auction, or team up with a coffee shop to display your work on their walls and offer incentives to customers who mention the shop.

The possibilities are endless.

And the best part is that collaborations are a win-win for everyone involved.

So, put on your networking hat and get collaborating…

⬇️ Painting Your Way to Success: 7 Decorator Marketing Hacks That Won't Break the Bank RUNDOWN:

1.             Become a Social Media Picasso.

2.             Lights, Camera, Action! Going Live on Social Media.

3.             Get Your In-Person Networking Game On.

4.             Unleash Your Inner Online Networking Ninja.

5.             Harness the Power of Word-of-Mouth (and Referral Incentives!).

6.             Start a decorating blog.

7.             Collaborate Like a Boss.

🛠   Need a little more help nailing your Trades and Construction Marketing?

Course you do.

First. Let’s work out where you are with all things Construction Marketing.
Got 3 minutes?

Take our Trades Quiz to discover how you score with all things ‘Off The Tools’.

We have heaps of tips, tricks, and hacks for your Trade and Construction business in our cheat sheets, videos and ideas waiting for you on the other side… i.e., your results page.

So, you can improve your score. And NAIL your Trade and Construction business.



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