Painting Your Way to Success: 7 Decorator Marketing Hacks That Won't Break the Bank.
ONLINE, OFFLINE Georgia Stylianou ONLINE, OFFLINE Georgia Stylianou

Painting Your Way to Success: 7 Decorator Marketing Hacks That Won't Break the Bank.

I'm about to drop some serious knowledge bombs on how you can kickstart your decorator marketing without spending a single penny. That's right, you can put away your wallet and still attract more clients than a freshly painted wall attracts fingerprints. We’re diving deep into seven seriously effective (and seriously free) marketing hacks that will have your decorating business standing out like a neon accent wall in a sea of beige. From social media sorcery to networking ninja moves, we've got you covered. First up, we're talking about the power of social media for your decorator marketing. But we're not just sticking to the digital world. We're also diving into the importance of networking, both in-person and online. From attending local events to joining virtual communities, there are countless ways to connect with other professionals and potential clients in your industry. And how you can turn your happy customers into a virtual marketing army, spreading the word about your amazing decorating skills far and wide.

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Kickstarting Your Construction Marketing With Zero Budget.
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Kickstarting Your Construction Marketing With Zero Budget.

Starting a new business in construction can be an exciting and challenging time. KEEPING a construction business running through times of hardship – like pandemics or staff and material shortages – also brings its difficulties. One of the most critical aspects of success is effective marketing. However, as a new business owner or someone going through a challenging time, you may not have a large budget to allocate towards marketing efforts. But fear not. Because there are still plenty of effective ways to promote your business without breaking the bank. In this blog post, we'll explore some strategies to kickstart your marketing with zero budget. From leveraging social media to creating valuable content, we'll show you how to get the most out of your marketing efforts without spending a penny (in many cases). Whether you're just getting started or looking to grow your existing business, read on to learn how to kickstart your marketing on a shoestring budget.

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Skyrocket Your Construction Network Marketing By Nailing Your Personal Brand.
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Skyrocket Your Construction Network Marketing By Nailing Your Personal Brand.

Welcome to the world of networking for your construction marketing. Where first impressions are everything! Just like a contractor needs the perfect tools to build a house, as a network marketer, nailing your personal brand is the key tool to building a successful business. But don't worry, unlike nailing a piece of wood, this won't leave you with a sore thumb! In this blog, we'll explore the importance of a strong personal brand and how to make sure you're making the right impression at your next networking event. So, grab a cup of coffee and let's get started on building your personal brand empire!

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 Word Of Mouth Vs Networking: Which One Is Best For My Construction Marketing?
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Word Of Mouth Vs Networking: Which One Is Best For My Construction Marketing?

The million-pound question. ‘Word of Mouth’ or ‘Network Marketing’ – which is best for my construction business? There are plenty of points both for and against. And everyone will have differing opinions. We thought we’d touch on a few of the major points to help you think about where to put your focus as part of your construction marketing. To do some of the thinking for you. And help you make the right decision for the kind of Trade and construction business you are looking to build…

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An Honest Review Of BNI For Your Trade And Construction Marketing.
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An Honest Review Of BNI For Your Trade And Construction Marketing.

Networking is a HUGE part of your Trade and Construction brand and marketing. Where you spend your time, who you associate with, how you present yourself. You are out there as an individual representing your business. And HOW, WHERE, WHY and WHAT you do reflects the business we can expect to experience behind the person. Personal branding comes hugely into play when networking. A story for another time. Done well, networking can help skyrocket your Trade and Construction brand and marketing. Done badly, it can bring your business crashing down through the ceiling. Before we begin. I am in no way, shape, or form on any kind of commission or sales team for BNI. This blog – like all others - is being written from a stance of regular conversations and questions that pop up between myself and my Trade and Construction clients. So worth me writing me about. And as BNI (Business Network International) is the biggest networking organisation in the WORLD, it’s no wonder I get lots of questions about it. I was a member for 10 years before my business (and life) changed and I decided to step down. Who knows if I’ll be back in the future. I’ve seen it all – the good, the bad and the ugly. Hopefully you’ll my insights helpful. It’s written by somebody who benefitted hugely from it, took on every role possible (even running my own group) but who also had my own views on things that could have been done differently. Which positions me perfectly on the fence to see both sides and give you an unbiased review from how I saw the membership experience benefit or hinder the progress of my Trade and Construction clients – for over a decade. Let’s drill down.

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Win More Customers With The Help Of Your Fellow Trade And Construction Buddies.

Win More Customers With The Help Of Your Fellow Trade And Construction Buddies.

If many hands make light work, how does this apply to building your Trade and Construction marketing? There is a lot you can do as a small group of focused, dedicated, local Trades that club together and want to help build each other’s Trade and Construction businesses. That isn’t a huge commitment. At little or even no cost at all. I’m going to share with you some simple ideas on how to win more customers for your Trade and Construction business with the help of your fellow Trades. But before I go into these epic game-changers I have a few warnings for you that will help you out…

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Good or Bad: The One Category BNI Rule For Trades And Construction Marketing.
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Good or Bad: The One Category BNI Rule For Trades And Construction Marketing.

For those Trade and Construction business owners who don’t know. Networking is huge for your Trade and Construction Brand and Marketing. BNI is an organisation that has ‘chapters’ (networking groups) all over the world. And globally, is THE most successful networking organisation. Intro out the way. This point of view looks at both sides of the coin. To help Trade and Construction business owners understand from the get-go whether this is the place for you or not when it comes to ‘category breakdowns’. New to networking or a long-standing member, we cover things to look out for to protect your category within your membership. So, you get the most and best out of your experience. Let’s dive in.

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5 Non-Negotiables When Choosing A Networking Group For Your Construction Business.
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5 Non-Negotiables When Choosing A Networking Group For Your Construction Business.

Networking is such an important part of your Trade and Construction brand and marketing. And in the right group, can absolutely transform your business. We’ve seen it happen! But this takes investment – not only of your hard-earned money but of your time too. So, choosing the right Networking Group for you and your business can be a deal breaker. After attending hundreds of Networking meetings over the last decade as well as leading groups and being on management teams, here are the 5 biggest non-negotiables we feel you need to look out for when choosing a Networking Group for your Trade and Construction business.

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7 Reasons To Seriously Consider Online Networking for Your Trade & Construction Business.
ONLINE Georgia Stylianou ONLINE Georgia Stylianou

7 Reasons To Seriously Consider Online Networking for Your Trade & Construction Business.

I’m going to share with you the 9 reasons you should seriously consider Online Networking as part of your strategy to grow your Trades and Construction business. Yes, for many Trades, in-person meetings appear to be more favourable on the surface. However. There are some SERIOUS benefits go going digital that include saving hours of time every week, growing your Trade or Construction business FASTER in areas you want to start working in, as well as showing us behind the scenes of your business and becoming much more memorable as a brand - which will increase enquiries and rocket those conversions. Nice. We share tips and tricks on exactly how online networking can be your new best friend in this blog.

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Networking 101: Beginners guide to Networking for Trades AND CONSTRUCTION.
OFFLINE Georgia Stylianou OFFLINE Georgia Stylianou

Networking 101: Beginners guide to Networking for Trades AND CONSTRUCTION.

You’ve been invited to your first ever networking meeting as a Trade. And you’ve agreed to go. But it’s the night before. And now you’re bricking it. No idea what to do. What to say. What to wear. What to bring. Standing in a room full of suits? Public speaking? What have I let myself in for, I hear you say? But don’t panic. We have a list of dos and don’ts for the networking Trade newbie to make your first time breezier than Gary Lineker’s presenting style.

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