Hammers To Hashtags – How To Nail Your Trade Marketing In The Digital Age.

Black image with white and yellow text reading "Social Media - Hammers to Hashtags: How To Nail Your Trade Marketing In The Digital Age."

Listen up, Trades.

It's time to put down the toolbox and pick up your smartphone because the digital age is upon us.

And it's not just about hammering nails anymore.

If you want to keep your Trade and construction business thriving in this ever-evolving landscape, you need to embrace the power of online marketing.

And I'm going to show you how.

Gone are the days when a Yellow Pages ad and a few flyers could keep your phone ringing.

Boy, do we miss those brick sized books. 📚

Today, if you're not hash-tagging, blogging, and social media-ing your way to success, you might as well be using a rotary phone to book your appointments.

But fear not.

You don't need to be a tech wizard or a marketing guru to nail your trade marketing in the digital age.

With a few simple strategies and a dash of creativity, you'll be attracting new clients and growing your Trade business faster than you can say "construction marketing."


Put on your learning hat (and make sure it complies with safety regulations), and let's dive into the world of digital marketing for trades…

1. Embrace the power of Social Media for your Trade and Construction marketing.

I know what you're thinking.

"Social media is just a bunch of selfies and cat videos. How can that possibly help my trade business?"


My sceptical friend.

Let me tell you.

Social media is like the new town square.

And if you're not there, you're missing out on some serious opportunities to connect with potential customers.

But before you go creating accounts on every platform from Facebook to TikTok, let's take a deep breath and strategize.

The key to social media success in construction marketing is to focus on the channels where your ideal clients are hanging out.

And to create content that showcases your expertise and personality.

For example.

If you’re a plumber targeting homeowners, Facebook and Instagram might be your best bet. 💦💦

✅  Share helpful tips on preventing leaks.

✅  Showcase your latest projects.

✅  And don't be afraid to throw in a few behind-the-scenes photos of your team in action.

Just make sure everyone's wearing belts with their trousers. 

This is a family-friendly platform, after all. 😉

On the other hand.

If you're an electrician looking to connect with commercial clients, LinkedIn could be your secret weapon. ⚡️

✅  Share industry news.

✅  Join relevant groups.

✅  Even publish a few thought-leadership articles showcasing your knowledge of the latest energy-saving technologies.

The bottom line?

Social media is a powerful tool for building brand awareness, engaging with potential clients, and even generating leads.

But only if you use it strategically and authentically. 👊🏽

By incorporating social media into your construction marketing plan, you'll be able to reach a wider audience and showcase your expertise in a way that resonates with your ideal clients 🎯

2. Get your Trade and construction website in shape.

When was the last time you updated your website?

If your answer is "I have a website?"


"Sometime in the early 2000s," it's time for a serious digital renovation.

In today's digital age, your website is often the first impression potential clients have of your business.

And if it looks like it was built with a flip phone, they might just flip right over to your competitor. 😱

A well-designed, user-friendly website is a crucial component of your construction marketing strategy.

But don't worry.

You don't need to be a coding prodigy or have a massive budget to create a website that wows. 💻

With user-friendly platforms like WordPress and Squarespace, you can easily build a professional-looking site that…

✅        Showcases your services.

✅        Shares customer reviews.

✅        And even allows visitors to request a quote or book an appointment.

Winning. 🏆🏆

The key is to keep it simple.

Visually appealing.

And easy to navigate.

Make sure your contact information is prominently displayed (bonus points if you have a click-to-call button for mobile users).

And don't forget to include plenty of photos and videos of your work. 📹

Because let's face it.

A picture of a perfectly installed tile backsplash is worth a thousand words.

Oh, and one more thing.

Make sure your website is mobile-friendly! 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

With more and more people browsing the web on their smartphones, a trade and construction website that looks great on desktop but is impossible to navigate on a smaller screen is like a beautiful brick wall without any doors.

Not very inviting, is it?

By investing in a website that reflects the quality of your work and provides a seamless user experience, you'll be able to…

👊🏽           Attract more leads.

👊🏽           Build trust with potential clients.

👊🏽           And ultimately grow your business.

Plus, a great website is like a 24/7 salesperson for your construction business.

It's always working hard to promote your services, even when you're catching some well-deserved z's. 😴

3. Harness the power of email for your Trade and Construction marketing.

Email marketing?

Isn't that just for big corporations and annoying retailers who want to bombard you with promotions?


Email can be a highly effective tool for Trades businesses of all sizes… if you use it wisely.

Think about it.

When someone hands over their email address, they're essentially saying,

"Hey, I'm interested in what you have to offer. Keep me in the loop!"

It's like getting a virtual high-five from a potential customer.

And when it comes to construction marketing, building relationships with potential clients is key. 🔑

But with great power comes great responsibility.

And by that, I mean don't abuse the privilege by flooding their inbox with spammy sales pitches or irrelevant content.

Instead, focus on providing value and nurturing those relationships over time. 🤗

For example.

You could send a monthly newsletter with seasonal maintenance tips, showcase your latest projects, or even offer exclusive discounts for your email subscribers.

The key is to keep it engaging, informative, and relevant to their needs.

And here's a pro tip.

💡 Make sure your email list is segmented based on your subscribers' interests and preferences.

That way, you can tailor your content to specific groups.

Like sending an offer for a free gutter cleaning to your residential clients, or a case study on energy-efficient upgrades to your commercial ones.

With a little creativity and a lot of value, email marketing can help you stay top-of-mind with your customers, generate repeat business, and even attract new leads through word-of-mouth referrals.

Plus, it's a cost-effective way to keep your construction marketing efforts humming along, even when business is slow.

So, don't be afraid to add email to your construction marketing toolbox.

Just remember to use it wisely and always prioritize providing value to your subscribers.

With the right approach, you'll be building strong relationships and growing your Trade and construction business, one inbox at a time. 👏🏼👏🏼

4. Leverage the power of reviews for your Trade and Construction Marketing.

In the digital age, online reviews are like gold stars on your school report. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Except instead of impressing your parents, they're impressing potential customers who are deciding whether or not to hire your Trade business.

And in the world of construction marketing, social proof is everything.

Think about it.

When was the last time you tried a new restaurant, booked a hotel, or bought a product without checking the reviews first?

Chances are, you rely on the opinions of others to guide your purchasing decisions – and your potential clients are no different.

That's why it's so important to actively encourage your satisfied customers to leave reviews on platforms like Google, Facebook, and LinkedIn. But how do you do that without feeling like a desperate car salesman?

One simple way is to make it part of your post-job routine.

After you've completed a project and your customer is thrilled with the results, simply say something like,

"I'm so glad you're happy with our work! If you have a moment, we'd really appreciate it if you could share your experience on [insert review platform]. It helps us continue to provide great service to folks like you."

You could even include a link to your review page in your follow-up email or invoice, making it super easy for them to sing your praises.

But what about negative reviews?

As much as we hate to admit it, they're bound to happen eventually. 😩

Even if you're the best in the business.

The key is to respond promptly, professionally, and with empathy.

Acknowledge their concerns, offer a solution if possible, and take the conversation offline if needed.

Show potential customers that you're committed to making things right and providing top-notch service.

With a proactive approach to review management, you'll build trust with potential clients, stand out from your competitors, and even improve your search engine rankings.

Not too shabby for a few virtual high-fives, eh?

By incorporating online reviews into your construction marketing strategy, you'll be able to leverage the power of social proof to attract more leads, build credibility, and ultimately grow your business.

So, don't be shy.

Start asking for those reviews and watch your reputation (and your bottom line) soar!

If you are struck down with a bad review then you might find this helpful…

😱 How to handle a negative Facebook review for your trades business

5. Don’t forget the basics (Like Actually being good at what you do!)


I know I've been talking a lot about digital this and online that.

But let's not forget the most important thing.

None of these construction marketing strategies will work if you're not actually good at what you do.

At the end of the day, all the hashtags and email newsletters in the world won't save you if you're leaving a trail of shoddy workmanship and disappointed customers in your wake.

Your online presence should be a reflection of your offline skills and values for your Trade and construction marketing – not a substitute for them.

So, before you dive headfirst into the world of digital marketing, make sure you have a solid foundation of…

🌎        Quality work.

🌎        Excellent customer service.

🌎        And a commitment to continuous improvement.

Invest in your skills, your tools, and your team.

Because that's what will ultimately set you apart from the competition.

And as you start to implement these construction marketing strategies, don't forget to stay true to your brand and your voice.

Authenticity is key in the online world.

So don't try to be something you're not.

Or copy what everyone else is doing.

Showcase what makes you unique.

Share your story.

And let your personality shine through.

In the end, successful construction marketing is all about finding the right balance between the virtual and the real.

By combining tried-and-true techniques with a few new tricks, you'll be well on your way to nailing your online presence – and attracting a steady stream of happy ideal clients in the process.

So, there you have it.

The ultimate guide to construction marketing in the digital age.

It may seem like a lot to take in at first.

But remember.

You don't have to do it all at once.

Start small.

Focus on one or two strategies that feel authentic to your Trade and Construction brand, and build from there.

And if you ever feel stuck or overwhelmed, just remember why you got into this business in the first place.

Whether it's the satisfaction of a job well done, the joy of helping people build their dream homes, or the pride of being part of something bigger than yourself…

Let that passion guide your marketing efforts.

And the rest will fall into place. ✨✨

So, go forth and conquer the digital world.

With a little creativity, a lot of hard work, and a dash of construction marketing magic, there's no limit to what you can achieve. Happy hammering (and hash-tagging)!

⬇️ How To Nail Your Trade Marketing In The Digital Age RUNDOWN:

1.     Embrace the power of Social Media for your Trade and Construction marketing.

2.     Get your Trade and construction website in shape.

3.     Harness the power of email for your Trade and Construction marketing.

4.     Leverage the power of reviews for your Trade and Construction Marketing.

5. Don’t forget the basics (Like Actually being good at what you do!)

🛠   Need a little more help nailing your Trades and Construction Marketing?


We've covered a lot of ground here…

From social media to email marketing and beyond.

But if you're feeling a little overwhelmed by all this digital stuff (or just need a break from staring at your phone), I've got just the thing for you.

Let’s work out where you are with all things Construction Digital Marketing.

Got 3 minutes?

Take our Trades Quiz to discover how you score with all things ‘Off The Tools’.

We have heaps of tips, tricks, and hacks for your Trade and Construction business in our cheat sheets, videos and ideas waiting for you on the other side… i.e., your results page.

So, you can improve your score. And NAIL your Trade and Construction business.



Building a Brand That Lasts: Secrets to Crafting an Unforgettable Identity for Your Trade Business.


Starting from Scratch: A Guide for Plumbers With No Marketing Budget.