Why Your Construction Marketing Needs A Promotional Video Like This Gardening Company.
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Why Your Construction Marketing Needs A Promotional Video Like This Gardening Company.

Construction marketing that incorporates video sees 35% higher conversion rates than those that don’t. Social media video result in up to 1,200% more shares than text and image content combined (wowzer). 83% claim it helps with lead generation. Some impressive numbers. Whether we like it or not, the world is becoming more and more digital. And if we are to keep up and have our construction business front and centre of client minds, then we must embrace it. Video is a phenomenal way to do this. And whether you are working with a top-quality video production agency (like ours) or creating your own self-generated videos, these tips are going to help you nail it.

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Use Your Social Media Profile Images The Right Way For Your Construction Marketing.
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Use Your Social Media Profile Images The Right Way For Your Construction Marketing.

Your construction marketing Social Media Profile Images probably seems like a tiny detail to you. (In case you’re not in the know, these are image spaces – usually circular or square in some cases - you can upload on a social media page that help people identify you.) But often it’s the small things that have the biggest impact. And what if I told you that by not using the right type of image in your Profile Image spaces could lead to loss of business, confusing your clients, ruining your business brand, ruining your personal brand or lead to direct enquiries for your competitors. Yes. I’ve seen ALL of these happen. Because Trade and Construction pros didn’t know the online etiquette or consider on a deeper level what images they were uploading. Don’t let this be you. And it’s easy to avoid these disasters. Here's how. Let’s go through EXACTLY how to use your social media profile images the right way for your construction marketing…

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9 Reasons You Need Professional Headshots For Your Construction Marketing.

9 Reasons You Need Professional Headshots For Your Construction Marketing.

Professional Headshots are a MUST for your Construction business. Your trade and construction photography is one of the most powerful ways to bring the human element to your Trades And Construction brand. And showing us the human side to your business is going to help do a lot of the heavy lifting for your Construction brand and marketing. People buy from people. I’m sure you’ve heard that saying. Photography is one of the ways people get to know more about you before meeting you. You’ve probably heard the saying ‘a picture is worth a thousand words.’ And it’s true. How many times have you looked a photo of someone and made a conclusion about the kind of person they might be without even meeting them? Perhaps deciding if they might be worth having a meeting with? Well, other people are looking at your (and your team’s) quality of headshots and making initial conclusions about your construction business too. You want them to come away thinking ‘yes, I’d like to talk to them about my project,’ don’t you? And by taking the leap and investing in professional headshots for your construction marketing can, and will, raise your business game. So, let’s find out what the 9 reasons are that you need professional headshots for your construction marketing…

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