If I could tell Trades & Construction Businesses one thing about Marketing…
When branding and Marketing your Trade and Construction business, the first place to start is here – your Ideal Client. Discovering who this is will help steer you in everything from your website design, video and vehicle graphics to social media, networking efforts and print. Without identifying who this you could be wasting a serious amount of time, energy, and money. Find out what is an Ideal Client and how uncovering it will separate you from your competitors, help attract more of the work you want and save you a lot of time and money. Nice.
5 Mistakes You’re Making When Setting Your Trade & Construction Facebook Handle.
Setting your Facebook Handle is the most important part of setting up your page for your Trade and Construction business when it comes to your brand and marketing. If you don’t set it up correctly you risk clients not finding your page or worst still… ending up on a competitor’s page. Yikes. We’ve listed the biggest 5 mistakes we see Trade and Construction business owners make in their marketing when it comes to their handle and how to avoid making these. Social Media plays a huge part in growing your Trade and Construction business, but the foundations need to be right in the first place to make sure you can work towards reaping big rewards. So find out exactly what a Facebook Handle is, how to create one, the importance of it in your marketing and what pitfalls to avoid.
How Alex’s Vehicle Graphics bagged Amazon & Elstree Studios as Clients for his rubbish removal Business.
He may well already have had a great logo design in his Trades business, but this is not enough to build a brand. Hear how we helped a Rubbish Removal company from Borehamwood bag Amazon and Elstree Studios as clients – all by reviewing their brand and marketing. First, by uncovering their Ideal Client, then we were able to use this information to redesign their vehicle graphics so that large, established companies like these would not only be attracted to work with his Trades business, but convert as clients. Maintaining confidence they are working with a Trades brand that aligns with their values and identity.
5 Ways To Use Your Trade And Construction Reviews To Get More Business.
5 ways to use your Trade and Construction reviews to get you more business. Through a combination of online and offline creative ideas, you can start using your reviews to do more of the heavy lifting in your brand and marketing. Collecting reviews is the hard part. But you’ve already done that. Don’t leave money on the table. Find out how these 5 ideas can help get more eyeballs on your company, generate more enquiries, and convert leads - all by using the reviews you already have in your business.
7 Reasons To Seriously Consider Online Networking for Your Trade & Construction Business.
I’m going to share with you the 9 reasons you should seriously consider Online Networking as part of your strategy to grow your Trades and Construction business. Yes, for many Trades, in-person meetings appear to be more favourable on the surface. However. There are some SERIOUS benefits go going digital that include saving hours of time every week, growing your Trade or Construction business FASTER in areas you want to start working in, as well as showing us behind the scenes of your business and becoming much more memorable as a brand - which will increase enquiries and rocket those conversions. Nice. We share tips and tricks on exactly how online networking can be your new best friend in this blog.