Websites Vs Social Media. Which One Should I Use For My Trade And Construction Company?
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Websites Vs Social Media. Which One Should I Use For My Trade And Construction Company?

Which should I focus on for my Trade and Construction brand and marketing – websites or social media? It’s a question we get asked a lot. Both play such a huge part in marketing for most businesses nowadays. To help you work this out for your Trade and Construction business, we’ve put together a list of pros and cons for each. So, in case you’ve been banging your head against a (very well rendered) brick wall, we’ve done all the thinking for you. Because we’re good like that.

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Checklist: 7 Tricks To Nail Your Trade And Construction Website Homepage Design.
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Checklist: 7 Tricks To Nail Your Trade And Construction Website Homepage Design.

Your website homepage design for your Trade and Construction company is more important to your brand and marketing than you think. Getting the design right can be the difference in a client making an enquiry or heading straight back to Google search to check out your competitors instead. Is your website homepage giving us all the information we need to stay put and investigate if your Trade and Construction business further? Here's our 7 Trick Checklist we use to make sure our Trade and Construction website homepage designs do all the heavy lifting for our clients…

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Turn Quotes To Sales Using Brand In Your Trade And Construction Marketing.
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Turn Quotes To Sales Using Brand In Your Trade And Construction Marketing.

To turn more quotes to sales in your Trade and Construction business you need rely on your goof old friends – brand and marketing. If you only send over a quote breakdown the client is only going focus on the numbers. You haven’t shared with them your experience to build trust. Your proven process. And how you have this down to a T and rarely miss a deadline. Or eliminate any other worries and stresses they have before choosing the right Trade for the job. Because believe it or not, there are more worries than just money. Focusing on numbers only could lose you the job. Not proving your value could mean your competitor wins. So how do you help nudge your potential clients in the right direction? You use your brand and marketing of course. Here's a list of easy ways to do it…

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Why You Can’t Rely On Social Media Alone For Your Trade & Construction Business.
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Why You Can’t Rely On Social Media Alone For Your Trade & Construction Business.

⚠️ Relying on Social Media alone is the worst decision you will ever make for your Trade and Construction brand and marketing. Ever. There are tonnes of reasons why, which include loss of reviews, wasted time and money you will never see again in your efforts to post. Social Media should be used to build up the hype in your business. But never to build your entire business on it. Because you are building a house on rented land. And rented land means it can be taken away from you at any given moment. Find out what the dangers are in relying on it entirely for your marketing so your Trade and Construction business doesn’t fall victim.

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9 Reasons Animation Videos Kick-Arse For Your Trade And Construction Marketing.
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9 Reasons Animation Videos Kick-Arse For Your Trade And Construction Marketing.

Animation Video kicks arse when it comes to marketing your Trade and Construction business. Because it builds your brand, fast. Whether promoted on your website, on your premises or on your social media channels for your construction business, animation has a tonne of benefits that different types of video can’t come close to. Anonymity for staff and clients, education and savings on time and money are just a few of the selling points for this creative form of marketing. If you’re unsure as to whether animation videos are right for your Trade and Construction business then we have 9 reasons right here that could help change your mind…

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