9 Ways Facebook Groups Will Help Build Your Domestic Construction Marketing.
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9 Ways Facebook Groups Will Help Build Your Domestic Construction Marketing.

Facebook Groups can be a FANTASTIC PLACE to build your brand for your domestic construction marketing. I’ve seen it for myself. Where local Construction companies have clubbed together and actively recommend one another in specific Facebook Groups to the local community who are asking for help in that specific industry. I.e. Electrical.So before you think Facebook Groups are a total waste of time, I want to share with you why you could be missing a big trick by NOT using them at all (or properly) as part of your domestic construction marketing. Hold onto your hard hats as here we go.

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Why Every Contractor Needs Before, During & After Photos For Their Construction Marketing.

Why Every Contractor Needs Before, During & After Photos For Their Construction Marketing.

It’s something that often gets overlooked in your Construction business but is critical for your construction marketing. Forgetting to take photos of a finished job. And not even thinking to take any of the site before you and your team get your hands on it. Why on earth do I need photos of a site that I’ve not yet worked on? More on that to follow. But what if remembering and consciously deciding to take quality photos before, during and after you’ve finished a project could help you win more construction jobs, earn you more money and actually prevent disputes on site with customers? To name but a few. Would it be worth doing then? When you take photos of your sites - you have these forever. To keep locked away on your phone for your own reference or to do various clever things with (ideas to follow). But the point being, you have them at your disposal. If by ‘trying to save time’ or ‘not thinking you need photo documentation of jobs as you get enough work from word of mouth’ (hear that one a lot) means that you document nothing, when things go quiet, you have nothing to promote yourself with. Times like Global Pandemics and recessions for example. Capturing photos before, during and after your construction projects is not only going to help you grow your business but help manage and change the way your days run. Here's a list of reasons why every Contractor needs before, during and after photos for their construction marketing.

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Why This Decorator’s Testimonial Video Rocks For Our Client’s Construction Marketing.
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Why This Decorator’s Testimonial Video Rocks For Our Client’s Construction Marketing.

Reviews and testimonials are EVERYTHING for your Construction marketing. Video testimonials especially. What others are saying about you publicly will make or break you. It’s serious stuff. Like man flu. Only way better. Not enough Construction businesses take the time needed to work on and build their reviews and testimonials. Fact. But the funny thing is, if they did take the time, these reviews and testimonials would do a lot of the heavy lifting for them when it comes to marketing their Construction business. Imagine that. The Rolls Royce of reviews is the video testimonial. Take a look with us at how and why this decorator’s testimonial video rocks for his construction marketing and how you can use these ideas to nail your own construction marketing.

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10 Reasons Testimonial Videos are the Ultimate Review Type for your Construction Marketing.
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10 Reasons Testimonial Videos are the Ultimate Review Type for your Construction Marketing.

Reviews will make or break your business when it come to your brand and construction marketing. Fact. It’s why we’re always encouraging our Trades to collect as many positive reviews as possible for their business. And the written review has its place in your construction marketing for sure. Hundreds of great reviews on a Facebook or LinkedIn page can do a whole lot of the heavy lifting for you in your construction business. But the ULTIMATE review type – the Ronaldo of Reviews if you will – is the testimonial video review. Video is a vital part of your construction marketing toolkit. But a review in the form of a video testimonial can be the start of the snowball effect that helps you build your Trade and Construction company you’ve always wanted it to be. Let’s look at all the reasons why you should consider construction video testimonials as part of your construction marketing ideas…

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