What No One Tells You About Going Live For Your Construction Marketing.
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What No One Tells You About Going Live For Your Construction Marketing.

Going live on social media as part of your construction marketing is a game-changer in so many ways. By going live, you can connect with your audience in real-time, showcase your projects and services, and build trust with potential customers. Your own business TV channel if you will. Like ‘Dave’. Just less funny. Plus, it's a fun and engaging way to share your expertise and bring the human touch to your business. Whether you're showcasing a new build, giving a tour of your latest renovation project, or just answering questions about the construction industry, going live for your construction social media marketing is a great way to reach a wider audience and grow your business without the hard sell (that we all love to hate).

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Why Your Construction Marketing Needs A Promotional Video Like This Gardening Company.
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Why Your Construction Marketing Needs A Promotional Video Like This Gardening Company.

Construction marketing that incorporates video sees 35% higher conversion rates than those that don’t. Social media video result in up to 1,200% more shares than text and image content combined (wowzer). 83% claim it helps with lead generation. Some impressive numbers. Whether we like it or not, the world is becoming more and more digital. And if we are to keep up and have our construction business front and centre of client minds, then we must embrace it. Video is a phenomenal way to do this. And whether you are working with a top-quality video production agency (like ours) or creating your own self-generated videos, these tips are going to help you nail it.

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Why This Decorator’s Testimonial Video Rocks For Our Client’s Construction Marketing.
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Why This Decorator’s Testimonial Video Rocks For Our Client’s Construction Marketing.

Reviews and testimonials are EVERYTHING for your Construction marketing. Video testimonials especially. What others are saying about you publicly will make or break you. It’s serious stuff. Like man flu. Only way better. Not enough Construction businesses take the time needed to work on and build their reviews and testimonials. Fact. But the funny thing is, if they did take the time, these reviews and testimonials would do a lot of the heavy lifting for them when it comes to marketing their Construction business. Imagine that. The Rolls Royce of reviews is the video testimonial. Take a look with us at how and why this decorator’s testimonial video rocks for his construction marketing and how you can use these ideas to nail your own construction marketing.

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Checklist: 7 Tricks To Nail Your Trade And Construction Website Homepage Design.
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Checklist: 7 Tricks To Nail Your Trade And Construction Website Homepage Design.

Your website homepage design for your Trade and Construction company is more important to your brand and marketing than you think. Getting the design right can be the difference in a client making an enquiry or heading straight back to Google search to check out your competitors instead. Is your website homepage giving us all the information we need to stay put and investigate if your Trade and Construction business further? Here's our 7 Trick Checklist we use to make sure our Trade and Construction website homepage designs do all the heavy lifting for our clients…

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Going Live: How To Get Over Stage Fright for Social Media Marketing In Your Trade And Construction Business.
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Going Live: How To Get Over Stage Fright for Social Media Marketing In Your Trade And Construction Business.

Social Media Live Videos are ground breaking for your Trade and Construction brand and marketing. They give us in an insight behind the tools to your processes, your team and why you do what you do. Lives can do wonders for your business. But here’s the thing. Stage fright is real. And so many Trades avoid doing Live Video like their lives depend upon it. Here we share a bunch of tips and tricks to help the camera-shy Trade take the bull by the horns and make going Live easier, stress free and a whole lot less scary.

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7 Game-Changing Tweaks To Validate Your Trade & Construction Reviews.
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7 Game-Changing Tweaks To Validate Your Trade & Construction Reviews.

Your Trade and Construction reviews are as much a part of your brand and marketing as your logo design, website or vehicle graphics. What clients are saying about you when you are not there can make or break your business. Making sure you validate your reviews when re-using or re-purposing them in your marketing is crucial – in a world where we question how real are online reviews? Here are 7 game-changing tweaks to help validate your Trade and Construction reviews when you are using them for your brand and marketing.

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If I could tell Trades & Construction Businesses one thing about Marketing…
OFFLINE Georgia Stylianou OFFLINE Georgia Stylianou

If I could tell Trades & Construction Businesses one thing about Marketing…

When branding and Marketing your Trade and Construction business, the first place to start is here – your Ideal Client. Discovering who this is will help steer you in everything from your website design, video and vehicle graphics to social media, networking efforts and print. Without identifying who this you could be wasting a serious amount of time, energy, and money. Find out what is an Ideal Client and how uncovering it will separate you from your competitors, help attract more of the work you want and save you a lot of time and money. Nice.

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7 Reasons To Seriously Consider Online Networking for Your Trade & Construction Business.
ONLINE Georgia Stylianou ONLINE Georgia Stylianou

7 Reasons To Seriously Consider Online Networking for Your Trade & Construction Business.

I’m going to share with you the 9 reasons you should seriously consider Online Networking as part of your strategy to grow your Trades and Construction business. Yes, for many Trades, in-person meetings appear to be more favourable on the surface. However. There are some SERIOUS benefits go going digital that include saving hours of time every week, growing your Trade or Construction business FASTER in areas you want to start working in, as well as showing us behind the scenes of your business and becoming much more memorable as a brand - which will increase enquiries and rocket those conversions. Nice. We share tips and tricks on exactly how online networking can be your new best friend in this blog.

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The Ultimate Trade and construction Testimonial Video of all time.
REVIEWS Georgia Stylianou REVIEWS Georgia Stylianou

The Ultimate Trade and construction Testimonial Video of all time.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Reviews and testimonials are EVERYTHING for your Trades business. What others are saying about you publicly will make or break you. It’s serious stuff. Like man flu. Only way better. Not enough Trades take the time needed to work on and build their reviews and testimonials. Fact. But the funny thing is, if they did take the time, these reviews and testimonials would do a lot of the heavy lifting for them when it comes to marketing their Trades business. Imagine that.

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